"By god, man, you're a USPS worker! Snap out of it!"

Jan 12, 2009 17:24

Look -- I've come to the realization that no, I'm not the center of the universe and yes, workers are people too and yes, being a postal worker is a tough job. Besides all the 'going postal' jokes, the crusades through all weather that is freezing-ass cold or near hurricane, they have to drive that itty-bitty car/truck thing around and carefully go to each house and deliver mail.

Shit, I used to want to be a mailworker --  still do, actually. I mean, what better job is there than being able to walk around all day (for your job) and just drop off mail? I fucking love the sound of it. You don't have to deal with people that often, and when you do they're usually friendly, and there's the threat of dogs but hey, that's what bear-spray is for.

But seriously, mail man? It's been nearly two fucking weeks and we have received no mail. None, whatsoever. I understand the idea that maybe we might not actually have mail, but I also know that that idea is bullshit, because we've always always received mail every day. We don't live in the Boonies, I always shovel the sidewalk, we have no killer dogs (though you might want to watch out for the cat) and our house isn't some old creepy-shack that screams "ALL WHO ENTER DIE HERE." We're pretty normal.

I need my mail. I have itineraries I need for trips, a new credit card I need for the one I thought I lost (but actually just was frozen in the ice outside our house but that's a good story for another time heh-heh), packages I need for other people and magazines I've been pining for. This is crap. You need to do your job. I have one present for my bro that (according to the tracking stuff) has been sitting up at the depot for almost three weeks. The neighbor I talked to said she's been getting her mail, and she lives just diagonal from us.

This is fishy, and I do not like it.


rant, i'm having too much fun with text, going postal

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