The Spirit Died

Dec 27, 2008 17:34

 Oh, Frank Miller was on a role with 300 and Sin City. They were fun, but gritty, and they weren't so hammy that I felt myself snorting into my popcorn.

But he  kinda flew in on the FAIL! Plane with The Spirit.

The graphics were -- as always -- interesting. Costumes were bad-ass, etc. etc. But the plot would've made old Eisner cringe, and the acting (beyond a few select scenes) was not NEARLY what I was expecting.

I mean, yeah, it's the Spirit, and yeah, he's a sexy beast who loves every girl (no kidding, here) and beats up every baddy he can. But what the hell happened in this? The story was boring and not nearly as fascinating and faceted as Eisner's stuff -- even with good ol' Octopus, realizing he was behind a scheme took a while and a lot more detecting.

This made me sad. ;_;

review, comics, movies

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