Look, I know everyone has their quirks, but this really bothers me:
Happy Anorexic I mean...god, no. That's just -- just not right. It's not right to starve yourself to reach fucking 80lbs and be "pure". It's not right, it's not beautiful, and for fuck's sake, you need to wake up. "Super fat right now." For God's sake, you weigh 120 pounds and you're -- what -- 5'6"? That's not fat. That's not obese.
What is wrong with these people? I get it, we all have some really big problems in our lives, but this is not only hurting your self-image, it's hurting your body. Bodies don't work well on 500 cals, especially if you work out.
I know this is nothing I can fix, and it's really nothing I should be worried about but just -- jesus these communities that promote this kind of (in my opinion) self-mutilation aren't right. It isn't healthy.