No pics yet, but today I was a baby on an old woman's back.
It was highly entertaining. The double-takes and the stares were totally worth the rubber under my nose and a baby onsie around my neck that really was cutting off the air supply. I was sad there was no costume contest this year, but that's cool, I guess.
The Russians were especially enthused. Poor Ruskies...they have no Halloween in the Motherland. So they were laughing hysterically whenever they saw costumes.
Since it's high school, you had the big wad of popular chicks dress as very unoriginal playboy bunnies and pirates. Since it's high school, though, you also had a couple boys dress as girls and playboy bunnies. Slightly terrifying, considering that a few would actually make pretty attractive women... D:
I believe this is the evening of all things nerdy and laem, including playing Scrabble and Pokemon Monopoly (you read correctly) with friends and handing out candy to young children, providing that they come down the cul-de-sac. For some reason, this dead-end street always gives the little people the creeps, and none of them seem smart enough to know that the streets that get the least traffic sometimes provide an opportunity to rake in a lot of candy. Even I knew that as a little kid. Duh.
On the college and scholarships homefront, there is much squeeing. I just got a full-ride trip to D.C. in February, and now I'm debating whether or not I should go to the Intelligence and Nat'l Security Conference or the Law and Human Rights one, since the Journalism one is out (;_;). The Intelligence one would be TEH shit but there's always that Spook business. Which tends to disgust me. And then there's law, which I enjoy, but the downside of the fact that we have to deliver briefs to the fucking Supreme Court. Ho-ly shit, I could not do that...
A Republican lady just invaded the front porch. She informed me that I should vote Republican. I smiled and took her stuff, but I do believe it shall go into the trash shortly.
Stole cookies from Mom's sugar-cookie dough stash. My gum-senses feel a cavity is on the horizon...
Otherwise? I probably need to get my ass away from the computer and do something productive. eat more cookies or something. Maybe rake leaves. Feed Furball. Clean my room. Call amigos regarding to night.
Who knows. Possibilities are endless in their dull routine. Just hope you guys have an entertaining Halloween.
EDIT! Shit, some of my friends had awesome costumes and I forgot to mention them.
We convinced my friend Kendrea to dress as the crazy cat lady, and then pleaded with her to go fake a fight with Hobo-Boy, who was muttering in a corner and aggressively thrusting his money jar out at passerbys. During their photoshoot, she reached over to his can of money and he gave her a perfect death glare.
Oscar the Grouch was previously mentioned. One teacher dressed up as a pumpkin then brought his little munchkins in. One was dressed as a lightning bug and it was adorable.
Laem Joker wannabes made me crrry. ;_;