Why the backpedal, McCain my boy?

Oct 10, 2008 23:31

I find this intriguing...

Is it possible that the man has created a malestrom that he can't even escape? Is it possible to actually have a presidential nominee tell his supporters (discreetly, of course), "Shut the fuck up, you're all a bunch of retards?"

This is truly fascinating. I have to say I've never (and huhur, only seventeen so my mouth shouldn't be yapping as much) really seen one guy from one party tell his folks, "listen, I don't like what he believes in but I think he's a good guy"? Swear to god, I've never actually heard of that happening in an election before someone gets their ass kicked.

But what's most interesting is the fact that this is a long result of over-zealous supporters, and Palin's "pallin' around with terrorists" speech last week. This is the result of fear-mongering and ignorance and a general audience that ran with lies and trampled whatever common sense they had to the ground. This is the common-voter, take it or leave it, and now McCain's dealing with the monster face-to-face.

Now whether or not he's telling his supporters to tone it down because he actually believes they're out of line or he's worried about getting a screamingly bad headline from the press (after a less-than-lackluster debate this week and two Thursdays ago) is certainly up to question. I believe that it's a matter of both, but I find myself somewhat -- dare I say it -- cautiously impressed that McCain told those people (and if you watch the video, there's this one woman especially who he just shakes his head at and gently grabs the microphone from) that they needed to take a chill pill.

Unfortunately for McCain, it's already too late. A panicking GOP and a PR strategy of "taking the gloves off" has already fueled the fire, and you can't push that spark back into a match.

So now we watch.

In other news, what does everyone think of the "vote block-out"? I'm trying to hold judgement until I get more facts, but I'm curious as to whether anyone thinks its a sham or the real deal? And if it's real...why?

political philosophy

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