Stolen deliberately from
irisbleufic because it's so intensely awesome and every writer (and non-writer) should do it.
Post the first line from the most recent 25 (or fifteen if you're like me and you can't possibly go back that far) stories you've written.
1: At least ten cops die every year in Gotham. That number is substantially down since the Bat has came, but it’s not much better. ("I'm Not Paid For This!" TDK drabble, GCPD)
2: Tonight, Joey Bowers is the Joker and he’s stuck in the shed between the poop scooper and the three wooden-handled rakes. (What Children Play in the Dark, TDK fanfic, OFC)
3: It’s not the fact that the coffee is late that irritates her. Nor the fact that it’s raining outside, a heavy sheet of water that drums incessantly on the roof of the café and the cobblestone streets through the window. (The City, original short story)
4: It’s not that this boy has a fucked-up childhood or anything. (ΔS, TDK fanfic)
5: He feels strange. (Blackout, Bourne Supremacy fanfic)
6: He had just been sitting down to watch television -o ne of the first times in over five months he’d been able to do so - when the phone rang. (Heavy Baggage, Spiderman/Batman crossover fanfic)
7: What? Did you think it would just end, like that? That the curtain would sweep shut, the credits would roll, and then equilibrium would be restored to the real world, collateral damage aside? (Storytime, TDK fanfic)
8: There are times when Harold Hogan wonders how on earth a man so smart (and yeah, maybe he’ll say brilliant) can be one of the most addle-minded and childish people he knows... next to his five-year old nephew. (A Day at the Races, Iron Man fanfic)
9: On one of the many days that Anthony Stark is busy at work in his lair, Pepper Potts discovers a grocery list on the never-used island in the kitchen. (Grocery List, Iron Man fanfic)
10: She shakes your hand and when she pulls away, a thumb brushes against the inside of your palm, nail jagged and uneven. (Hands, writing exercise at Sewanee Young Writers Conference)
11: After she dances over the grave of Margaret Walter, death May 19, 1992, Barb Cassidy grudgingly acknowledges that she might have a problem. (Grave Dancer, original short story)
12: It’s the smell that interrupts the dialogue between Patty Platypus and Claude Crab; that stale and sharply dissonant scent of burn that pulls Vedi Raynard out of her Beanie Babies and into the real world. (The Hunt, original short story)
13: “How old are you?” (Damn Shame, original short story)
14: He’s fifteen and he’s actually not that bad of a student. Sure, there is the occasional scarlet C on the report sheet, but for the most part, he remains above the fifth circle of shame and humiliation. (Genesis, original short story)
15: First off, he’s never done this before, and it’s really uncomfortable and he’d really appreciate it if you could turn off the recorder. (Sessions, Iron Man fanfic)
Oh. And what I noticed?
1: I seem to write mostly male characters.
2: The fanfic seem to start largely with "he", which worries me slightly.
3: Original fiction has more variation in sentence structure/beginnings.
4: Structure is mostly informal.