This week brings us the world of drugs and Mafia.
Link to journal Questions
== In the chapter 'Use', what's the park on 5th Avenue? Chinese gives Lintlaw, which isn't actually a park name :/ Thanks
frag_reality == Is the area Eve lives in called ‘Millionaires’ Row’ or 'Millionaires' Mile'? National Geographic indicates the former, but it'd be nice to have confirmation.
== Close to the end of the 'Purchase' chapter, where's the hotel at which Gustavo staying? Wayer Street? Doesn't seem to exist in Manhattan..
== The station where Claire and the Gandors meet- is it the Pennsylvania station?
== Does Luck address Claire as 'Claire' (Chinese trans) or 'Claire-san' (as indicated by soifon's translation)?
== When Czeslaw and Begg meet up, who's asking the question about meeting Maiza? Chinese version gives a stutter, but it seems like Czes is speaking rather than Begg
== What's the name of the chef who introduces Jon and Fan to the Genoards? Grigwall? (haven't translated up to this section, but just asking in advance)
== Please check the following passage for accuracy? Thanks :) It's the scene where Kate appears. Terms I'm uncertain about are {bracketed}.
"...The influential movie theatres produced what became known as {talkies}, also known as {sound films}. With the rise of sound films, starting from the birth of the movie {'Don Juan'} a year ago, movies gradually became more functional and the revolution of the world of movies began.
That year, the first feature-length movie ever to have sound, 'The Jazz Singer', became the talk of the town, and it was decided that it would be screened at the movie theatre which was hiring Kate. In an instant, long queues of people turned up at the door a few days before screening, and thus created a commotion."
And a little later on, the actor's name is Al Jolson?
And what's the quote from the dialogue of the movie? Chinese gives 【欢乐,尽在之后。】, which I'm not quite sure how to translate.