Krow - Week 5 - The Torrisi Family

Apr 07, 2011 15:55

Now that LJ seems to be behaving, here's Torrisi's week 5! With any luck, LJ's lousy servers won't gobble up my work when I'm trying to get it posted. C:

So, then. Life in an ISBI household. My notes about this week actually had, Remember that it is an ISBI. I was good. 8D

We start with the couple moving in to a new home, one that is smaller and easier to expand with as their family grows.

After moving in they had $9,000 left with which to decorate and furnish.

Mostly, I just furnished. The kitchen and the bathroom are very similar to - if not the same as - their old house, but this is a much more functional layout. It should be much easier to expand. :) There is also another house visible in the background - it's just there to help the 'wealthy district' look... more wealthy, lol. It costs at least 150,000 so it'll be a while before anyone lives in that area. :P

Anyway. And the first thing they did upon moving in, was this:

Colour me surprised.

From memory though, Chris will reach Stage 3 today, which means the baby should be born on tuesday. Yay. :D

Matt prepared some pancakes for Chris to eat at leisure. I still think it's a bit like having a pet. 8|

I realised after this that there was nothing to occupy Chris with - no skilling objects, just a couple of bookcases which don't really count. They don't even have the poker table anymore. So I got them a chess table.

In total, furnishing the house left them with about $1700 which I decided to use to float Matt's store, Rotor. Chris was asleep in bed by 4.30, so Matt went off to the store.

The cashier for Rotor is Cyd Roseland. He has absolutely zero skills and zero badges, but it's a rank 0 business - he has plenty of time to learn.

Two things about the above: the store is very plain, and they need a restocker. 8|

Matt hired Sandy Bruty to be his restocker - she has enough badges to qualify as a manager, including a silver robotics badge. Both of these could come in handy later. :3

And... fixed! Much less plain, much nicer to look at.

Lmao, her face. Her face!!

And what did you buy, Dongsool?

As you can imagine, remodelling meant that the profit margin was non-existant. The store did healthy trade though, and reached Rank 3 in a matter of hours - I'm sure it will go fine. :)

At home, Matt cooked up another meal for his ISBI-trapped wife, since I forgot to store the pancakes. She was still sleeping though, so I stored them in his inventory (thankyou, loophole).

Stage 3 kicked in at 11pm, Day 1. Twenty-four hours to go! I wonder how many kids they'll have. :C Oh god, don't let it be more than two.

Fortunately, she can feed herself.

I've had a number of sims just complain at me, even when there's available food.

Day 2 and omelettes! Chris had already gone back to bed, though. :C

Matt began to work on stock for his store - these things won't be added until it's at least rank 5 anyway, but it's nice to do it now rather than later. Also, the emphasis for his store is toys, so not all things from this bench will end up in the store. I think. Hard to say, but that's what I would like. 8|

They finally got a meal together. :)

I think you need a shower, sweetie.

A phone call from a friend gave them a discount for furniture, so yay! The networking from apartment life is really quite awesome.

And then!

A baby boy, named Damien. Mum's eyes, dad's hair, and skin that I would not expect from an interracial couple. :C Look how WHITE he is. Weird!

Also, there were dogs fighting on the doorstep when Damien was born. I don't know who, but maybe it was an omen or something?

......yep, it's an ISBI.

Not to worry, Matt stepped in to take care of the bub whilst Chris went back to sleep. That's all she does, honestly. 8|

After making sure that Damien was fed and settled, Matt took off to the store to earn some monies.

That blonde townie is definitely on my Gene List, lol. Pretty. 8| Also say hi to Luke. The store went from rank 3 to 5, and then Matt went home.

The rest of the day passed with sleeping, taking care of Damien, eating, feeding Chris, sleeping, taking care of Damien, and so on.

Day 4 and autonomous fridge feeding. Oops. :C

No-one was going anywhere near the gadget booth, even though it was priced Average. So I swapped it out for a game rack.

Sandy does this all the time. Matt is a nice store manager. :C

Oh, look at that! Thanks ACR. This is Day 4, so Day 5 will be stage two, and Day 6 will be stage 3 so the baby should be born... Day 7, I think. Damien is due to grow up tomorrow; Day 5. They'll be about 4 days apart.

Matt woke up at midnight, so he spent the early hours of Day 5 making robots. He got his bronze badge.

I'm sure Damien is thinking, 'who is this woman?' Seeing as Chris spends her time playing chess, eating or sleeping. also, those lights were giving me the irrits, so I replaced them.

Oh, why hello Damien. :D

Hair cut! I didn't like the dreds on him. :C I think the fuzzy hair is much cuter.

He's SO PALE. Looks like he should be a supernatural creature or something. :C

Ohhh, it's an ISBI. :C I can't look at his stats, dangit.

Then came Day 6.

You're going to have to wait, little one. Matt is going to be sleeping for a while yet.

Sure enough, several hours later:

My maths is bad. Another boy - dad's eyes and hair, mum's skin... but pale. :c Less pale, please. His name is Jonathan.

... Chris. 8|

That evening, Damien learned to talk. Getting him to learn to walk has thusfar been entirely unsuccessful - he and Matthew have almost polar-opposite sleeping schedules, plus you know, TODDLER SLEEP FOR LIKE, FOUR HOURS AT A TIME. Matt can't keep up with that. 8(

Day 7 came pretty quickly. I didn't change the house around, any - the boys can share the room for the time being.

Chris ignored her children and went to work. She got a chance card that resulted in a promotion to Freelance Photographer - $790 a day, please and thankyou!

Snow, awww yeah. <3 :D

Stats: ISBI
Torch-Holders: 1
Fires: 0
Pass-outs: 0
Self-Wettings: 0
Repo-man: 0
Special Deaths/Total Death Count: 0/0
Reach top of a career: 0
LTWs Achieved: 0

Stats: Krow - Week 5
4 Households: Omega, Patchwork, Stretch and Torrisi.
4 Household Businesses: Omega Bar, Patchwork Patterns, Jackalope Grocery and Rotor (an electronic toy store).
5 Community lots: +1 = Little Red Restaurant.
7 Job slots: Athletic (occupied), Business x 2, Culinary, Law Enforcement x 2 (1 occupied), Slacker (occupied).

15 Playables and a multiplier of 3 brings the total population to 45.

And there will be a new family on the block in the next update. The Confetti Family! This will be done according to the Awesomesauce Legacy challenge. Want to see a preview picture of the founder? Here you go! Don't click if you don't want to be spoiled. ;D I forgot to scale it, sorry. :C

You can now see their update, over here: The Confetti Family.

The end!

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week 5, family: torrisi, challenge: isbi

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