Hurrah, I can update again! Last week, Jemima and Dongsool had twins together.
It went pretty well.
Let it be said now that I do not look forward to having two toddlers in the house at once. 8| Also, the numpties have four baskets of groceries between them. Four. Sigh.
Once the babies were laid down I asked them to clean the kitchen and bathroom.
They rebelled.
I eventually persuaded them to be responsible adults, but Jemima went off to bed once she decided that she'd had enough cleaning of surfaces and such. On the other hand, Dongsool was up until 3am making sure the babies were clean and fed, before turning in himself.
Having one sim with twins must be impossible. 8(
On Day 2, Jemima was up before Dongsool.
Granted, he was up late for a good cause. Sleeping in is justified.
They really needed money so I jazzed her up and took her off to the boutique. This would be the first time Jemima has gone to Patchwork Patterns on her own, without Dongsool.
When she got there, she only had $26 in family funds (because clearly they NEEDED four baskets of groceries), and I realised... without Dongsool there she'd need an employee, who would cost more per hour than they had money. Further, a bunch of stuff needed to be restocked, costing more money.
Then I remembered that the boutique is rank 7, and it had 2 more points to cash in. :D Jemima thus received the LeTourneau Prize and the Valued Client Rebate, giving her $3500 to float the store on.
:D This is her employee, Kaylynn. She got put into a uniform and therefore became a business clone, but she's a maxis townie so I don't really care too much. Jemima was suffering the same ailment, so I swapped her back to her normal clothes.
Kaylynn only has a bronze register badge, but that's better than nothing! The store does need another register, especially if it wants to maintain a Rank 10 position. :| But I lack the skilled/cheap townies to support it. They all have badges. 8|
Jack, you sly dog. Oh right, they're three-bolters and hooked up last week. Nevermind then!
Trying to run the store alone was pretty hectic. :C
Kendal tried to go to the register but she got route-blocked and couldn't get there. So she had a tantrum about it, threw her stuff on the floor and stormed out. Pretty lame.
8| NO.
The store was promptly closed before there could be any unfortunate incidents with cockroaches and customers, but after an infestation had set in.
She restocked whilst the last few customers checked out.
As an aside, I hate how quickly the sims get impatient when they are queuing. :| There is one people ahead of you. CALM YOURSELF.
Jemima hadn't made a lot of money - most of it was eaten by restock and employee wages - but it was enough to live on, for now.
When she got home, Dongsool was still in the deep red, so he spent the afternoon with Jemima, fulfilling his affectionate wants.
I love that last shot. It makes me want to write a story about a family told through what can be seen in their windows. Maybe I will?
Dongsool climbed into gold aspiration for the first time since week 2, and as a reward... they got to do chores.
After that, they were given the rest of the afternoon on autonomy and it was rather predictable that they chose to spend it on the couch.
Okay. I have to say - that is not my reaction when people go to jump on me, I don't care how sexy they might be. No. :| 'You're gonna jump on me! You're gonna jump on me and squash me like a bug...'
I haven't touched the computer yet. I'm rather afraid to do so. 8(
The afternoon of Day 2 was when the twins grew up. Well, they slept through til 9pm and then Luke grew up.
Amelia got stuck, and wouldn't grow up. The next morning I tried a birthday cake, but it didn't work either. I forced an error and with a new cake, she popped right up to toddler stage.
They're cute, but I'm pretty darn sure that they're supervillains in disguise. It might be the red eyes, but sometimes they look so evil.
Both parents rolled a whole heaping of wishes between them, about teaching the twins various tasks - walking, talking, singing, all that. Rather than be overwhelmed, I figured the best thing to do was concentrate on what wishes the twins rolled on their own.
And that's how things were for the rest of Day 3. Learning went so much faster than normal - thank goodness for Autumn.
Dongsool got new clothes - the same colour palette as his former clothes. I think they suit him. Jemima took a few goes to get right, but I like this combination on her. It makes her and Dongsool a little matchy-matchy, but I'll deal with that later.
Toys! They're going to have to run businesses some day, so I may as well work on maxing out their charisma and logic now. :D
The parents took themselves off to bed, leaving the twins to occupy themselves. 8| Great parenting, guys.
I hauled Dongsool up about 3am to deal with potty training and putting them to bed.
I was kind of amused that when he went back to bed, he was heart-farting all over Jemima. No more children. Unlike the Omegas, that is your rule and you are sticking to it. 8| Or else.
Three hours after being put to sleep, Amelia was wide awake. Toddlers do not sleep.
Of course - Amelia woke Luke up. I know, I could put dividers down. I probably should. It's not a huge problem just yet, though, so I'm okay with them as it is. Jemima was well rested, so she took care of the kidlets.
Bathroom shot! I seriously love their interior. :C It was at this point that because of Luke's early wake-up, the twins got inverted sleeping schedules. Alas.
What's up, Dongsool?
Jemima got a critically red fun meter, so she got to dig for treasure for a while and Amelia helped her dad cook.
Jemima slept, Amelia was taught to talk. Luke begged to be let out. 8|
See what I mean about inverted sleeping schedules?
Day 5 was largely comprised of toddler skilling and sleeping.
And a red fun meter. :| Parenting got to Jemima, it really did.
The early hours of day 6 were spent with Dongsool maintaining the twins - feed, bathe, potty train, bathe, feed, cuddle, put in crib, etc. Jemima took over at 6am, although she obviously didn't want to.
She did the best she could, though.
And then I went and did some things around the house and LEFT THE PAUSE BUTTON OFF.
This is what I came back to, at 7.40pm on Saturday/Day 6:
Whoops. :| I missed the twins growing up. Thankfully, they had already achieved their three milestones of talk/walk/potty, so it wasn't a big issue. Both of them grew up well, but I don't know how their aspirations were at the time.
This is what they look like. :D I think their skintones are a fraction different in colour. I was hoping for something closer to Dongsool's colour, but this is just fine. I also think that Luke's face is a tiny bit longer than Amelia's, and Amelia's face is also rounder than Luke's - incrementally. That might just be the hairstyles, though. Amelia is a Pisces and as a toddler, developed 1 charisma skill and 2 logic skills. Luke is an Aries (like me!) and developed 2 Charisma, 3 Logic.
They were also $600 richer. I have no idea why.
The rest of Day 6 was spent trying to fix the family's stats. XD
The twins have to share a room at the moment. The family doesn't have the funds to have anything better.
They get along quite well. I've never actually had discord amongst siblings in my sims games... I wonder what the ISBI will give me.
So on Day 7, I sent all four of them off to the boutique.
I kind of expected that the kids would be a pain in the butt whilst there, but they needed money, couldn't hire a nanny, and I needed both adults because I didn't want to have to deal with too many fund-sucking employees. :|
The business reached rank 8. :D I thought about cashing in for that money prize, but decided not to. They did call in their employees, though - having hired someone to restock - and I added in a second register, so Dongsool and Kaylynn could operate at the same time. Jemima ran around selling the stuff. They were about -200 and failing to turn a profit, so I upped the price on one of the racks to very expensive. :| We'll see how that turns out.
This did mean that the Boutique had five in the queue, which is the longest I can remember a business being. 8|
Kaylynn got her silver register badge, which is nice. Poor old Ethan (their restocker) went quite red, so they sent him home.
I realised that the kids were absolutely red in their energy levels, so Jemima closed up and they all went home.
When they got home, Jemima stocked the fridge with 1 of 4 of the grocery baskets and the kids stumbled into bed, exhausted.
I think the adults quite enjoyed a quiet morning to themselves. :)
Oh. That's new, Jemima. :|
At this point the family funds were $3600. I really want to make the kitchen bigger - it's not really suitable for a family of 4, but I decided to leave that until the end of Week 5, when the twins are teens. At that point I'll know who is inheriting the house and I'll have an idea of what kind of life they'll have.
The afternoon of Day 7 was whittled away with skipping and bug jars, bouncing on your brother's bed and enjoying life as a family. :)
So with Patchwork's fourth week at an end, next is
the Stretch family. C: