Krow - Week 11 - The Bruty Family

Jan 04, 2012 11:17

This took a few weeks to play through, what with Christmas in the way and all. Anyway, I got the update down to a nicely sized 90+, which I'm pretty proud of considering the size of the household.

So we start on a sunny monday morning. Calm before the storm, really.

I totally forgot that these two would be going to school, and as such remove themselves from the chaos of the household on a daily basis. Marvellous! :3

Harlequin sold the Grocery and repurchased it, to regain the rewards, blah blah blah. It sold for 60,500. I reno'd it and then she re-purchased it for 26,800. The excess (34k) will go into the university fund.

I went with a Space theme because Harley is half alien, so it seemed rather appropriate. She hired new staff (who dressed in something sort of like a space hunter-y outfit? idk), and got stuck into business affairs.

She came home, and had a first pop.

Pretty sure that's Harlequin's 'again??' face. I don't blame her.

Today's tagalong is Marie Hark! Er, pardon the parents.

Before I forget, I mentioned last week that the kids have some ridiculous personalities. I wasn't kidding, lol.

Aegirine has 10 neat, 9 outgoing, 3 lazy, 2 serious, 8 nice.

Borax? He's got 10 neat, 10 outgoing, 3 lazy, 2 serious, 3 nice.

Celsian has 2 neat, 9 outgoing, 3 lazy, 7 serious, 9 nice.

And Datolite? Well. 10 neat, 6 outgoing, 9 active, 10 playful, and zero nice. She is absolutely going to be an evil witch when she's older.

So basically, 3/4 kids are neat, 2/4 are incredibly outgoing. 1 is extremely active and playful, and also a total asshole. Sigh.

Meanwhile, Jupiter drew a bit of a short straw.

He's due about 24 hours after Harlequin is. Both are expected to give birth to singles, which will take them to 6 kids of 10.

Day 2, after spending HOURS trying to get the toddlers into their cribs (I actually turned off free will for a few minutes), these two enjoyed a rare moment together at lunch.

Aegirine, that sneak, didn't go to school until about lunchtime. He was painting. 8|

Simultaneous pops!

Aegirine and Borax basically do whatever they want (I do love that 7pm homework mod). Micro-managing is a bit beyond the scope of possibilities at this point.

Jupiter had his second pop at the same time that Harlequin went into labour.

Uhm, yeah. I didn't save this one. (Later I found out that it just means there's no infant stage for that skin. I wish I'd kept it, lol.)

Finally, she gave birth to little Emery. But before I could get a decent picture of the youngin, Harlequin goes into breakdown.

I suspect she might have had a fear of having a bub, though I didn't notice previously. Still, HARLEY YOU ARE A FAMILY SIM. What is this nonsense.

Jupiter rescued him from the floor, allowing us a good view of the youngin'. He's a spitting image - at least the Omega gene will stay nice and strong.

At the same time, Celsian and Datolite had their birthdays.

Both of them aged up well. Celsian had 2 logic and a creativity, whilst Datolite had 4 creativity.


And Celsian, who gets to wear stripes and have enormous hair. They all sat for dinner together.

This was also about the point that I started to get really really annoyed at the layout of this house. It functions, but it's not the way I like things to be, so I started listing off things to change and alter and it gave me a pretty cool idea for the kids... which resulted in me building a whole other house for them to move into next week. 8D (... this is also what triggered the 10 houses I made for you guys.)

On Day 4, once the kids were at school and Jupiter was up, Harlequin took advantage of the brief lull to go clock some time at the grocery.

The store really is much too small, even moreso now that it has extra stock in it, but you gotta work with what you have. The store made it to Rank 4 - 7 stars away from Rank 5. They made about 1.4k profit, to my surprise. Also, Harlequin got reviewed, earning both a Good Review and a Best of the Best award. C:

So, back home for Harley.

Ben Mendoza came home that day, who's wearing the same shirt as Borax. I should really fix that.

Upstairs, Jupiter went into labour!

Welcome to Feroxhyte! A little boy, with the eyes of Saxo and I think the skin of Dongsool, but I can't really remember. I adore blue eyes and tan skin (which you should know by now), so I'm pretty happy to get him. C:

Day 5: I love that most of the kids are well and truly old enough to take care of themselves by now, but it's a bit of a chore to keep track of all of them. XD

Not a lot happened that day. Sleeping, caring for kids, romancing each other. Dull. Plenty of adorable family time in the afternoon, though. :D

Birthday time for Emery. See? Spitting image.

HHarlequin started off Day 6 by announcing another pregnancy. Just one youngin' in the oven, I might cave and pick twins when she actually goes into labour.

Jupiter took the four older kids to Patchwork Park to run around and cause havoc. I actually ended up banning teens from this lot - it always bothers me how the teens just lounge around on the playground equipment, blocking kids from actually using it. So, since they have the whole of Omega Park to lounge around on, Patchwork Park is specifically for the littlies.

I reaaallly want to introduce this fellow to the Krow gene pool.

Nebula! Sup?

They stopped at Omega Park on the way back, because it was on the way home for them.

Kids messed around, Jupiter watched and drank coffee, then they went home properly. When they got there, Borax wanted a piano, so... he got one. I don't know if they'll keep it when they move, but maybe they will.

Saturday afternoon passed quietly. Aegirine and Borax are due to grow to teens at the same time that Feroxhyte will grow to toddler. That should help Harlequin and Jupiter out a lot, though.

In the evening, Jupiter went to his poor, neglected bar.

He made 500, and went home. He's still 20 stars away from Rank 9. Bars are SO hard to build loyalty for.

The following morning, the kids shared breakfast whilst Harlequin made a bunch of food in preparation for loaaads of kids.

So maybe not that many - there aren't as many in the 'hood as I thought, probably because most of them are teens, or are actually in this household. But there's four kids and four Bruties, so that should work out quite nicely for the afternoon. I am absolutely *not* marrying any of these kids together. Just, no. Enough people are interrelated as it is, lol.

At 6pm, it was birthday time for Aegirine and Borax.

Aegirine grew up in medium gold, and a handful of skills in everything except charisma. He became a Pleasure sim, who wants to have 50 Dream Dates. Not as bad as 50 1st dates.

So here's Aegirine, grown-up and looking much nicer than before... you can see he has all of Harlequin's face, except maybe the shape of his eyes. Not to worry, he's still adorbs.

And here's grown-up Borax (I like his hair a lot, but it photographs weirdly from the front). He's got a definite Omega face. Borax grew up in higher gold than Aegirine, and he's skilled highest in creativity. He's a Pleasure sim too, but wants to become Celebrity Chef.

And Feroxhyte grew up too, though sadly he doesn't look very alien-y.

Out of all of them, he'll probably have the easiest time fitting in.

He settled in to play next to his brother, and that was their week.

So, taxes. At the end of the week, the family had 32,600. They have 10 + 5 + 5, so their contribution is 20%, and that's 6,532. There's also the 34k of the shop's resell, so that makes their contribution about 40,532 in total. Nice!

Stats: Krow - Week 11
12 Households: Confetti, Confetti 2, Crowley, Cwik, Bruty, Hark, Omega, Omega 2, Patchwork, Torrisi, Torrisi 2 and Torrisi X.
9 Household Businesses: Omega Bar, Omega Park, Ivy's Treasures, Patchwork Bakery, Patchwork Patterns, Patchwork Park, Jackalope Grocery, Rotor and a bookstore.
11 Community lots: 9 Businesses, 2 Public - "Little Red Restaurant", "Krow Cemetary".
19 Job slots: Architecture x 2 (1 occupied), Athletic, Business (5 occupied), Culinary (occupied), Criminal x 2 (1 occupied) Education x 2, Intelligence x 1, Journalism x 1, Law Enforcement x 5 (1 occupied), Medical x 1, Science x 1 (occupied), Slacker x 1 (occupied), Paranormal x 1.
Unlocked Careers: Athletic, Military, Business.
University Fund: $212,278 ($177,746 + $40,532).

There were two births, making it 42 Playables. The muliplier is 9, so the total population is 378.

Next will be the small ISBI household, the Torrisis.

week 11, family: bruty

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