Week 3 in the Stretch household! Mostly,
he did stuff.
Monday morning, after a 3 to 7am digging marathon, Jack went to work and bragged to his colleagues about acquiring the deed to Jackalope Grocery. Rover went to work too, and got promoted to star.
This will contribute approximately $2100 to the household a week. :D Whee!
In personal celebration, Rover illustrated some star behaviour before settling on the footpath until Jack came home.
It was worth it. :)
With both of them at work and no-one else in the household, day 2 rolled around pretty fast. Rover's hygiene reached critical, so I bought a bathtub and Jack finally gave the poor thing a bath.
In the theme of making things clean, Jack filled in a few of the holes in the yard (left over from Sunday), then toddled off to work.
That evening, I decided it was time for a new member of the family.
This is Buffy. I had to sell the computer for a measley $200 (it was still broken) in order to afford the adoption, but that was fine with me. Rover could finally have a friend. :D
I forgot, however, that Rover is a total asshole. Seriously. He doesn't get along with anyone except Jack. So then, on Day 3, this happened.
Shit. :| Rover is a hostile dog, bloody hell. YOU GUYS ARE SUPPOSED TO MAKE BABIES, NOT EAT EACH OTHER.
Then, Jack got demoted to Patrol Officer. :| Not a good day.
I ended up purchasing another pet bed so that they wouldn't fight over the pre-existing one all of the time. I suspect it's part of why their relationship deteriorated so poorly, so fast. Buffy took up residence in Jack's room and Rover stayed in his previous bed, out in the main part of the house.
Day 4 was when I remembered that Jack owned a business, and it needed attention. The day of trade started at 4am. As a Patrol Officer, his job starts at about 3pm, or something. So by sending him out early, I figured that when Jack came home exhausted, he'd still have a large part of the day to sleep before going to work.
I found this weird. His eyes changed colour when he wore the uniform I tried to assign. I think his face altered, too, the nose and eyes are different. Also, no eyebrows. :| No uniforms for Jack, then!
The cashier was not so lucky.
Joe Carr had a silver cashier badge and a bronze restocking badge, so he became the cashier for this little establishment. He already had a job but I never plan to include him in my game (premades, bleargh), so he can be forever consigned to cashier.
Like Jemima and Dongsool and Saxo, all Jack wanted to do was play catch, toss a football, or skip. :| This is so irritating. I was constantly cancelling the actions. I am a control freak, but that aside, Jack you are running a business, so please stay still.
Phoebe showed up.
They were immediately all over each other, I'm sure that if there'd been facilities there, they'd have gone and bumped uglies.
The store seems to be a bit of a Witch magnet - an Evil Witch showed up, then a Good Witch shortly after her.
More Good Witches, please. :|
I don't even know why he was there. He snuck the whole length of the foot path, and disappeared off the other side. Lost, poor depth perception on behalf of the thief, or the game was just messing with me. It's the same guy who robbed Jemima in Week 1.
Joe went red, so Jack closed up the store until tomorrow. It reached Rank 2 on the first day. :D Having a good cashier really helps, I think. The trade off was that he only made about 400 profit all up, factoring in restock and employee expense. :| The reason Patchwork Patterns has done so well is that they have no employees, so their only overhead is restock. Jack doesn't have that luxury.
Oh well. I use the business rewards to get the restock discount, so it will get better.
When Jack got home, still in the pre-dawn hours of Day 4, there was progress!
Unfortunately, Buffy is not house trained, so there was a lot of this:
In the early hours of Day 5, Fa Zhai turned up again and I figured hey, give it a shot.
He left shortly thereafter. :| I've never given up a dog for adoption in life, or in the sims, and I didn't want to do that here, unless Rover and Buffy reached -100 or something.
Then, an idea! A third dog, a male, for Buffy to live with whilst Rover does his own thing. Excellent plan, y/y?
Sadly, they were all too expensive to afford just yet.
To help with this, Jack then toddled off to the Grocery for another shot at making moolah.
That is some hard core clipping, even for TS2.
Mind you, Jack's skipping was not nearly as annoying as this guy.
This is Matthew Smith. He gives me the almighty irritations. He always comes to the store, stays for hours, and never buys anything. Never even browses! All he does is socialise, and get in the way. :| BUY OR GTFO.
Jack earned his Gold Sales Badge. :D The store earned $1200 profit, this time around. Progress? It would have been higher but restocking cost about $1200 too, so blah.
Rover went to work and his chance card was the Vanderpaw one. Alas, it went badly and cost $600 to fix Rover's reputation.
Phoebe came over for a date, armed with the aspiration to marry Jack. He simultaneously had a fear of marrying her. Silly romance sims.
Saturday - Day 6 - came with another 4am start at the Grocery.
I added a magazine rack, and you can see M. Smith showing up AGAIN. All he did was talk to the others. THIS IS SO ANNOYING. Have you had this happen in your game, or something else just as annoying? Tell me about your businesses. :C
Midway through the day, Meadow Raymond randomly came up to Jack and busted a move.
LOL, it didn't go down well.
He got reviewed by the same fellow who checked out Patchwork Patterns, and earnt a Best of the Best award. (Jemima did too, by the way, I just didn't include it in her story at the time, lol.)
I generally have 1 expensive thing for every 3/4 average priced things, because if there's too many expensive things, customers don't come or buy. But for some reason, the expensive fridge/freezer/thing always sells out first. I don't really get it.
It earned him a bronze restocking badge though, so hurrah!
Why, Mister Smith. I never expected this of you.
True fact: screenshotting this coincided with a lyric "hey, look at that!" from my music player.
Joe went red so everyone went home. Jack made $1900 this time around. It would have been bigger but the magazine rack set us back a bit.
Then, the poor boy was feeling a bit red in the aspiration section, so he had a date with Melissa Fancey.
Jack got his wish of wanting to woohoo with 3 different sims. The other was a random walk-by in Week 2 - a townie that ACR lured into his bedroom before I could even blink.
Jack got promoted to Desk Sergeant, whee! Rover and Buffy got along better - they finally climbed out of a mutually negative relationship. I hope that by this time next week, they've got puppies. After that, Rover becomes an elder and won't be able to. Alas.
It was here that I figured I would just try and work things out with Buffy and Rover, instead of introducing a third dog. Plus, I think Buffy x Rover puppies will be more interesting than Alabama x Rover puppies.
Oh, hey Melissa. Whatcha doing?
Oh, thanks. :D
The vase was worth 4,000, meaning the family had 10,000 on Day 7. RENO, WHOO.
I gave Jack something I've been meaning to have for weeks - a nice little outdoor entertaining area, for when he becomes a chef. I was going to add a pool or hot tub but because he has dogs, I wanted to keep a bit of a backyard for them. It's extremely unlikely that Jack will have any offspring, so whoever gets the house may yet end up with a pool after all.
Because the renovation (which wasn't really a renovation at all but whatever) only cost a few thousand, the rest of the money was put into giving the grocery a bit more furnishing.
Jack will probably need to hire a new employee soon, to do the tedious joyous task of restocking.
Dongsool dropped by. This was, within the game, the exact same day as when Dongsool set the computer on fire and electrocuted himself.
He wasn't faring well. I, on the other hand, marvelled at the game. He'd already been by on Day 5 and been just fine. Two days later, he's an utter mess at the same time as the actual event that made him like that. TS2, you got me. XD
Because of the cost of expansion, the store only made $600 on Day 7. That's basically because it reached rank 6 and I got the LeTourneau Prize to go with it. No matter, there's a while to go yet before the place starts getting super high turn over. I need to expand it a bit and include a second register, I think, but the lot is so tiny that it might... not... fit. :|
Jack went home and for the rest of the day it rained, which was a bit of a bummer. I wanted to have a little barbeque get-together on his new patio. He spent time with the dogs instead, who continued to get along much better than before. :)
The week ended with pancakes.
And that's it! The Stretch Family's week 3 has come to an end, so that means it's time for the new family. :D Exciting!
They're just moving in now.