AWRIGHTY THEN. After WAY TOO LONG (considering that I was playing this house before the Patchwork update was posted), here is the Bruty Family! Along with my favourite banner in the BACC so far. XD
Before we begin,
a short recap is in order. The Bruty Household is comprised of Jupiter Omega (now Jupiter Bruty) and Harlequin Bruty (a half-alien). They are both family, and they are working towards having 10 children. As I mentioned to someone a week or two back, although Jupiter wasn't affected this week, I think next week I may occasionally make him the bearer of life, so that A) Harlequin isn't a clown car and B) it's more interesting. So, be aware of that. XD I am not doing their family as a challenge - I just want them to have 10 kids, because why not. I know I'll regret this when it comes time to kick the kids out and throw them into the population in households of their own, but ... I'll deal with that later. 8D
SO ANYWAY. Last week we left the household about 5 hours out from Harlequin's first labour. There was time for breakfast and a canoodle on the couch before it struck.
I'm quite fond of Jupiter's expression there - he's not sure what Harlequin is doing, exactly.
Following up from
this post, this is the picture I used. XD The correct answer? GURRL.
If you guessed, good job. XD They're both girls. Azurite is the blue baby, Blossite is green. The naming theme is minerals - I don't pick names based on the colour of the kids, by the way. The names are alphabetical so that you know who's oldest without having to think too much. Concerning eyes/skin they're both copies of their parents - but I kind of expected that, so no drama. The genetics will be rolled for all future kids, because I want green/orange eyes and green/alien eyes and blue/orange eyes and you can't stop me. 8|
Jupiter took himself to bed somewhere in the middle of all this, by the way.
I seriously cannot wait to see these two as toddlers. INTERESTING FACES TALLY-HO! :C I might get some scrunchy faces but I don't caaare, I don't caaaaaaaaare.
You can expect this house to get a serious cosmetic revamp, by the way. I don't like that kitchen any more, the decor doesn't work as a whole, etc etc.
Day 2: Round Two! :D bring on the babies~
Jupiter moseyed off to the Bar, since he won't have much time once the kids start turning into toddlers. I must remember to sell the Grocery and repurchase it, so Harlequin can get the wholesale rewards.
The Bar finally climbed to Rank 8, which is most excellent. It made about $1800 in profit before he went home. This is a lot that probably could actually benefit from having a manager (there's two jobs, how hard could it be to mess up?) so it's worth considering.
Family chat! I'm terrible at keeping sims in touch with their families, really. 8|
Oh, and then this happened.
Amelia, you're lucky Harlequin knows and trusts you. :C
She left Blossite on the floor after that. :C But fortunately, Jupiter wasn't far away.
Most of the week is going to be baby/toddler spam, so if that doesn't interest you then you may want to start skimming now. :3
Moar family talk!
It's so delightfully easy, right now. That won't last.
Oh look she's pregnant again. Now it really isn't going to last.
Harlequin sold Jackalope Grocery and repurchased it - as I mentioned, it's to get the wholesale rewards. It sold for 60,000 and cost 15,000 to repurchase, but I'm keeping the excess funds this time. I figure that the value was earned, so they should be allowed to cash in on it.
I've been wanting to give the store a new look for some time now. I ripped out the green/white flooring and tiled it white. The wallpaper stayed the same, since it works fine. The various food units were recoloured to wood, and they got a new set of counters to match that wood. I think it's much nicer and brighter than how it was before. I'd like for it to be a bit more colourful, but I'm quite happy with this.
New store ownership = new employees, too.
Here are the new employees: cashier and restocker.
Business was slow, but I anticipated that. Harlequin has a silver sales badge already, so the climb back up won't be as grueling as it could have been. It made it to rank 2 and then Harlequin closed up shop - you can't do marathons when you're pregnant, lol.
Harlequin had a nap once she got in, whilst Jupiter attempted to learn fire safety inbetween his parenting. It didn't really work, of course.
Then birthday time! Azurite grew up first, and actually aged up with the same hair as Ivy as a toddler, meaning Saxo's custom hair is kicking around in there somewhere. I changed it so something a bit more toddler-like so you can see her face - which is very Harlequin like, naturally.
Then it was Blossite's turn!
She has a comparitively normal face. I get the feeling that she'll take after the Omega side much more. I like the dreds but I don't think it's something terribly suitable for the equivalent of a two-year-old, so new hair for that 'un too!
They're still... figuring out the whole parenting thing. XD
With both Harlequin and Jupiter bottoming out their fun meters (damn those playful personalities) I bought them a TV and video game set to help whittle away the boredom whilst the kids sleep. The pink/purple/non-matchy-matchness is because at this point, it was late into Day 4 and it's all going to be redone on Day 7 anyway. I stopped caring about interior decor completely.
This clever boy found the TV immediately.
And then it was back to the grind. 8|
Somehow she got two babies, I don't even know how that happened. The scanner said she'd get one! JUST ONE, GUYS. JUST ONE. Sneaky bloody things.
What are you smiling about, Harlequin? We're screwed.
Anyway - both are boys. Celsian and Delvauxite, good luck trying to spell that second one. They're identical at this stage, so you don't get to see close-ups.
I went through the whole labour sequence a couple of times to try and get some skin/eye variation - those screwed up brown eyes are hanging around still, even though a) those eyes are back in my game and b) Harlequin didn't conceive these kids until several days after the eyes came back. Are Jupiter's genetics inherently screwed? Kind of lame, I WANT MY ORANGE EYED BABIES. :C
The two boys were put into the room next to the nursery proper, since they won't be requiring those facilities just yet.
I do have toddler mats and the like, but I'm trying to do this without shortcuts. C: Fun fact: Dongsool and Jemima have 10 grandchildren. Saxo has eight, since Luke's family has two more kids than Ivy.
The babies weren't too hard to take care of, because their needs are fairly minimal. I'm soooo glad there haven't been triplets yet, I tell ya.
Amelia happened to turn up at this point, and I probably wasn't alone in hoping that she'd pitch in a bit. XD
Also, despite my planning there is just ONE bathtub in the house, and it's upstairs from the nursery/play room. Whose idea was that.
Okay so, by Day 6 I couldn't take it anymore. XD Both Azurite and Blossite aged up, so they could take care of themselves and the parents could have two bloody seconds to eat and shower.
Blossite first!
Azurite second. :D
Azurite grew up in high gold, with 1 mechanical and 2 logic points. Personality wise, she's Capricorn - 10 points neat, 2 points active.
Blossite grew up in low gold, with 1 logic and 3 creativity. She is a Gemini, and almost completely inverse of her sister - 3 neat, 10 outgoing, 9 active, 10 playful, 3 nice.
Here's the room they'll be sharing: I started paying more attention to interior deco around about here. I think when I go through and redo the house, I'm going to try and go with a wood theme, as much as I can. Most of my houses get white furnishings, so time for some wood.
Nebula and Amelia stopped by but neither Jupiter nor Harlequin really had the energy to deal with being host-like.
For Day 7, I bring you a good look at the twin girls. They both got new hair - Blossite's hair mesh didn't sit right: you could see her skull, and that was just silly.
The pair of them spent their morning watching kid movies, which is an excellent way to spend a sunday.
I went through and redecorated a couple of the rooms. Not much of anything was changed upstairs - I need to, but I'm going to wait until there are more sims living up there, as the kids get older and such. For now it can stay mis-matchy.
Downstairs, I did more - but not a lot. The little yellow sunroom was given a slight colour tweak, where I traded green/aqua for red/brown/orange, which I think looks better.
Next to that is the room where cribs are shoved in the event of too many kids at once, and it's a bit of a weird shape... it's barely functional. So I took out the inbuilt wardrobe, giving an extra bit of wall for a crib. The bathroom next to it got a bathtub added, so that the parents don't have to cart everyone upstairs all the bloody time.
The biggest change is the kitchen. I went for a wooden/brown theme, which I think looks much nicer.
Not sold on the dark brown stools and chairs, but I think it's okay for now. I did have a divider between the kitchen and the eating, but it was getting in the way of simple tasks like 'sim - pick up all the dishes!' So, it's gone.
I want to go through and re-colour the entire exterior, including the doors/windows, but that's a huge job and I don't really want to do that just yet. It's mostly because I want to change all the white trimmings to wood, but whenever I do that it starts bugging me that the doors/windows don't match the skirting board (which is almost always white), so... we'll get there, sometime after I chill on the matter a bit.
After this, it was back to normal Day 7 life.
Round three!
No extended family came over: both Harlequin and Jupiter were too busy recovering from the hectic week, mostly through eating and sleeping all day. In hindsight I should have at least invited the kids over, if not the teens and adults. The twins could have done with some others to play with. But they'll be at school soon, so I'm sure there'll be kids over ALL THE TIME.
Poor Harlequin. I kept sending her to bed and she kept getting up to help the twin boys with their birthdays. Jupiter couldn't do it, his energy was just as red as hers. Eventually Jupiter got up and changed/fed the kids, allowing Harlequin to go sleep. She woke up about 1am, to this:
So we'll come back to that next week, in Week 11. :3
Now, the family funds were 44,466. 10% + 5% for the Bar and 5% for the Grocery means their tax is 20%. As such, their contribution is 8,893.
Stats: Krow - Week 10
8 Households: Confetti, Cwik, Bruty, Hark-Crowley, Omega, Omega 2, Patchwork and Torrisi.
6 Household Businesses: Omega Bar, Omega Park, Patchwork Bakery, Patchwork Patterns, Jackalope Grocery, Rotor and a bookstore.
9 Community lots: 7 Businesses, 2 Public - "Little Red Restaurant", "Krow Cemetary".
11 Job slots: Architecture (occupied), Athletic (occupied), Business x 5 (4 occupied), Culinary, Law Enforcement x 2 (1 occupied), Slacker (occupied).
University Fund: $68,566 (59,673 + 8,893).
Four births brings us to 40 Playables. With a multiplier of 3, the total population is 120.
After this is the
Torrisi family, played as an ISBI. :3