Patchwork time! I have a bit of an aversion to spending all day with the Sims at the moment, because it makes me feel like a total slacker. :C I have so many other projects and they need attention too! This plus CC issues and near hood 'splosion meant that this family took a long time to play, so I'm sorry it's taken a while to get this update out. The upside is that it's yet another massive post, with
130+ pictures to gander at.
First thing I noticed was the pile of flies in the kitchen. I've never actually had a sim die by flies, though I once tried locking a sim in a room full of stinky plates for a few days.
Thomas thoughtfully helped out with the matter, then went and hung out on the playground. His parents did parenting things.
And then Kelly went to work, leaving Luke to practise his house husbandry. He's getting pretty good at it, which you'd expect by the third kid.
Once Kelly came home, she took over parenting whilst Luke headed for the boutique. After celebrating Thomas getting his first A+, of course.
Luke sold the boutique and re-purchased it so that I could get the wholesale rewards for the store again. They disappeared with Dongsool. He sold it for $68,000 and and purchased it for $18,000, so I bought a bunch of stuff equivalent to $50,000 and put it in Kelly's inventory. I'll either keep it that way, or use the money towards a new community lot for them. We'll see.
So I took the opportunity to rearrange the interior and add some more stuff to sell - the shoes were the only fashion related deco that I had, so it's what they got. Luke also hired two new employees, for the register and to restock. It would be easier if Kelly could be there to help instead of staff, but they can't leave the kids alone and taking babies/toddlers to community lots is a hassle I'd rather not deal with.
Slight layout change to remove the problem of people-jams. I just moved one of the clothing racks so that instead of having 3 and 3, it's 4 and 2.
I'm glad you approve of the OMSPs, sir. Now buy something or gtfo.
Chill, Tabs.
Cara (the blonde employee) has a bronze badge. Despite this, Luke wants to fire her.
After making it to Rank 3, Luke closed up and sent everyone home. The store didn't turn a profit, but that's okay for the moment. It'll get better.
Kelly had the next day off, so she helped out with taking care of Sophie and Andrea. Thomas went to school, so it was a pretty average day.
6pm - Sophie's birthday!
Guess who's going to be a gorgeous adult? She grew up in high gold, with three creativity points. Personality wise, she's more active and nicer than her brother, but much more shy as well. Her token colour is blue. :D
Andrea grew up too. Kelly immediately rolled a wish to have another baby, but no. Three is plenty for this family. She got a bit of a hairchange, since I didn't care for what she had.
Just one toddler to go, in this family ... then the Bruty household, lol. crap I'm quite glad this couple haven't had twins or multiples, and that the kids have been spaced so there weren't two toddlers at once or some such. Makes it all much easier.
Sophie woke up early (about 1am) so she skipped in the yard for a while before napping on the couch. No more nocturnal children if I can help it.
At this point, the mornings are all pretty much the same - the first parent up looks after the youngest (Andrea), which is usually Kelly because most nights, Luke doesn't get to bed until after midnight.
Oh, and here's Sophie in the daylight, with new hair and clothes that go with her pretty, pretty eyes. :3
Thomas is subtly different, mostly around the shape of his eyes - I think they come from Luke, but I don't know if it comes from Jemima or Dongsool.
First day of school for Sophie, though she had big brother Thomas to look out for her. Kelly had the day off again, so both parents were home to take care of Andrea, though Luke broke the TV.
I hazarded him fixing it and fortunately, Luke survived. This is good, I don't want premature death. :C
Jessica Hark came home with Sophie, but I think that by now she'd be a teen... I'm not sure. We'll have to wait and see, lol. There's five households between now and then. wait when did that happen
I sound like a broken record, but I don't care. I love that Jessica and Sophie look so different - obviously they have different parents so they should, but before I got into CC, all my sims just looked the same. I used the same handful of faces (because the rest were just so unpleasant) and of course their kids would look the same. Point is, I love that my Krow kids don't. I also love Jessica's pudding cheeks.
In case you were wondering, these two are still three-bolting their way through life. Kelly is on birth control, thank goodness - I don't need any more kidlets here. There's already seven Gen 3 kids, and I haven't even gotten to the Bruty or Torrisi-X (that's X for Xenophillia) households yet.
I figured that if there's going to be kids over fairly often, that the family should have a video game. Naturally, Thomas and Sophie wasted no time showing Jessica how it worked.
Thomas is not a nice sim, so I'm glad these two get along. I don't plan for any inter-family marriage this generation, Gen 3 is a bit too spaced out in terms of age. But it's nice to see families build up relationships, anyway.
This is the moment where I seriously worried that my hood went splodey. :C I did the stuff suggested
here and
here and hopefully, that will prevent the problem from spreading. Thanks for helping and saving my town. ;_; ILU guys.
So, back to normalcy - Kelly taught Andrea how to walk and Luke went to the Boutique.
The restocker was 'too tired' to come in even though it'd been at least two days since the store was last open (and they hadn't even been run down to orange levels!), so Luke hired someone else.
The store didn't turn a profit, but it did reach Rank 4, and came very close to Rank 5. I sent him home because I wanted him to nap a bit, so that Kelly wouldn't be the only one looking after Andrea all day.
This time, both Jessica Hark and Aurora Crowley came home with them from school - Jessica with Sophie, and Aurora with Thomas.
Kelly's turn to cook (in her swimwear...), whilst Luke brushes up on his skill points. He's in platinum aspiration but he's a knowledge sim, so skilling makes him happy. Kelly is much the same, though she doesn't have any skill-related wants right now.
The extra plates were for Jessica and Aurora, but both had left by this point.
The following morning, Thomas and Jessica went to school again, whilst Andrea played with her blocks - the parents didn't really notice.
Don't worry Jupiter - you're next, it's okay.
Pretty much nothing happened between Kelly going to work and coming home from work - Andrea did toddler things, Luke did the same things as always. This included groping his wife ASAP.
I forgot that Thomas was due to grow up, so I missed most of it. Here's his profile, for interest sake:
He grew up in platinum 'cause he got an A+ at school. He's armed with one cooking point, 5 body points and 4 logic points. He became a Knowledge Sim - just like his parents and grandparents. He wants to become Media Magnate... I need a population of 1,000 to achieve that. By the end of the week I should have an SM of 13, so we'll see if I can get there.
Here's his new hair/clothes, which I quite like:
He doesn't really have a token colour, I tend to only hand those out if it jumps at me.
Anyway, it was also Andrea's birthday! She actually grew up a day early, but she had all her skills, blah blah blah.
See, Thomas is not nice at all. Andrea grew up mid-gold, and had two logic points.
The family sold all of their baby junk, leading to a bedroom change. I don't care for it much, but it'll do for now.
Day 6! Muffin for breakfast, though we're still working on not burning them.
There's a good look at Andrea in the light and with her new hair and clothes. She ended up with super short hair because it was one of the few styles/colours that looked good on her. I need to add darker eyebrows but I'm liking how her face is slightly leaner than Sophie's.
Off to work for Kelly - a shame, I was going to have her drag Thomas along for a jog.
I kicked Luke off to the restaurant to fish for a while, since his LTW is to be top of the Oceanographer career. He has platinum so he doesn't really need it, but I'd like for him to at least try and get there. He came home when he was tired enough.
Thomas headed over to Omega Bar for some chill time, though it's not quite the same in heavy snow. He took a minute to psych himself up in the bathroom.
I haven't got a clue what life has in store for this fellow, so I guess we'll see. I don't really know what will happen with Sophie or Andrea, either. One of them will inherit the Boutique, but I don't know who. That stuff is easier to decide once they're all teens.
Very little was happening there, so he stopped by the restaurant for a quick meal before heading home.
There were plenty of people around, but not a lot was going on.
Thomas came home and went to bed - the girls were already asleep. Kelly and Luke spent some time watching the Yummy Channel together, since both of them wanted to raise their cooking skill, and spending time together is always nice.
Day 7 came with more burnt muffins. That's okay. I still can't make brownies without burning them. Anything else, I can manage just fine. Brownies? No chance, lol.
Please excuse Luke's derpface. Outside, Thomas thoughtfully demonstrated the house's new addition.
His OTH is Sports, so that +Journalism LTW = Sports Commentator, or some such? I have no idea. :C
The kid rooms got a bit of a change-around, but really nothing significant.
I honestly don't care for either. They're big rooms and I don't have much clutter/random crap that isn't grungy/derelict/apocalyptic stuff, so. Thomas has a kind-of basketball/sports theme to his room, whilst the girls just have most of his old furniture and such. I can't get a feel for their personalities just yet, so this is it for now.
I'd actually prefer for the girls to have separate rooms, but I like the current layout too much to do that. I'm sure that will change once everyone's older and I'm trying to juggle three generations in one house. I also tried new wallpaper and found diddlysquat that worked, so they can't have any. >:|
I thought about inviting the extended family over, but I'm going to leave that to the Bruty household, when I play them next. Assuming that Jupes and Harley aren't passed out from exhaustion, of course. They probably will be.
At the back of the lot, Sophie builds a snowman whilst Andrea watches. You can see one of Thomases (Thomas's? I DON'T KNOW :c) works of art in the background.
And that was their week! The tax due is 10% + 5% per business, giving them a total of 15% tax. With their household funds at 54,773, the tax is $8,215.
Stats: Krow - Week 10
8 Households: Confetti, Cwik, Bruty, Hark-Crowley, Omega, Omega 2, Patchwork and Torrisi.
6 Household Businesses: Omega Bar, Omega Park, Patchwork Bakery, Patchwork Patterns, Jackalope Grocery, Rotor and a bookstore.
9 Community lots: 7 Businesses, 2 Public - "Little Red Restaurant", "Krow Cemetary".
11 Job slots: Architecture (occupied), Athletic (occupied), Business x 5 (4 occupied), Culinary, Law Enforcement x 2 (1 occupied), Slacker (occupied).
University Fund: $59,673 (51,457 + 8,215)
The population is stagnant with 36 Playables. With a multiplier of 3, the total population is 108.
After this is the
Bruty Household, yay! I might have already started them. *shifty* Maybe. I'll show you the results of Harlequin's first pregnancy if you want
Oh... and while I'm here... this is going out on a limb a bit, but I could really use someone who knows HTML and programming.
You see, I'm trying to build a website (I'll spare you the details here, but it's aimed towards kids) and I've been trying to get it up since March. It's not anything sophisticated, it's incredibly simple but it's also beyond my limited HTML knowledge.
I have all the content and I know what I want, but I could really use someone to string it all together. I need someone who knows what they're doing, who I can talk to about the practicality of features, who I can bounce ideas off of and be fairly available. I don't need something absurd like 24/7 contact - I do need someone reliable, who can tell me if something is possible, and how long it will take. I'm pretty cool with deadlines and junk like that.
I've already had brilliant help from a couple of friends already - they've built the general structure of the site and I can show you that, so you know what you're getting into. But they've done all that for free and I feel bad for nagging them all the time when they've got so much to do already. Concerning money, I can pay you, but I spend 7 days a week pretty much broke, which is why I'm asking here instead of hiring a full time professional. I can't promise a significant amount of coinage, I just don't have it. 8| So, yeah - I don't know what my chances are but I thought I'd ask anyway. If you're interested, please send me a message. C: I'm available on MSN and AIM - Skype is possible but I do loathe that thing.
See you at the Bruty household!