Krow - Week 9 - The Hark-Crowley Family

Jun 12, 2011 12:12

Here and there in previous Week 9 Updates I've referred to this family as the Hark-Crowley family. This is because Andrew's last name is Crowley and since he'll be part of this family for a while (as a friend, not a lover), it seemed fitting.

Oh, and please excuse any typos. Although Brisbane is subtropical, it's June, 1pm and 12 degrees. TWELVE. That's the freezing temperature of the average QLDer. I tried to locate my fingerless gloves but I could only find one, which has been donated to my mouse-hand. :C It's very strange to type this way.

Anywhoodle! Liz spent the early hours of Day 1 feeding Aurora, Andrew's daughter.

She made sure to pay attention to Jessica, too.

She shared breakfast with Andrew, whilst I wondered about what kind of income they could have.

Digging pays well enough but it's time consuming, and they need to parent. I don't really want to put them into jobs until both of the kids are in school. I don't really want to have one be the bread-winner and the other be the stay-at-home. I thought of sending one to bartend at the Omega Bar, but the ticketing on that lot would turn that into a loss.

As one might imagine, most of Day 1 was entirely domestic.

Day 2 started off being much the same. Liz went to the grocery store to pick up some supplies, since two children + a guy = not a lot of food left in the house.

HEY. DAMNIT ACR. I look away for two seconds and NO. BAD. 8| *shakefist* arrgh.

Ugh. I don't know what to do about this. I don't want to hook them up because they're both CAS sims and whilst I don't really care about the rules (which states that CAS sims can't marry each other unless they're created together), I just think it would be kind of boring to keep them together instead of finding their own families. Uuuugggghhhhh. ACR, Y U DO DIS.

They're only one bolt and they don't even roll wishes about each other. :| I wouldn't mind ACR COMPLETELY HOSING MY PLANS if the two of them were interested in each other in a more complete way.

Oh, I found my other glove. It was in a bag of rainbow socks. :C I'm not sure why.

Moving on, it was time for Jessica's birthday!

She grew up in platinum, with three logic points. Personality wise, she's quite different to Liz. She's pretty shy and lazy, but she's 9 points playful and 10 points nice. Liz is pretty much the inverse of these traits - untidy, active, serious.

I still don't love the pink eyes, but she's growing on me. Her shirt is the Batman symbol because her OTH is tinkering and it seemed like a logical jump. I'm going to try and pay more attention to OTH's to diversify personalities and such. :)

Liz didn't want to sell the crib in case of future babies - she is a family sim, after all (HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE?). So Jessica's new bed was put out in the hall, where Aurora couldn't wake her.

A late birthday present from the two of them. :D

At breakfast, Jessica talked to her mother about school.

Liz assured her that she'd be fine, and promised that if she got good grades, they'd buy her a pet.

In the afternoon, Liz and Jessica went for a walk around the neighbourhood, in the hopes that they'd find some kids for Jessica to play with. There's no public parks in Krow, but there is a slide at Patchwork Patterns, so they went there first.

His name is Andrzej Platz (a Polish first name, not gibberish XD) - he's a Counterfeiter, though he didn't tell her that.

He's not very wealthy but Liz doesn't care so much about that. She chatted to him a while more and then took Jessica home.

:C I need to fix the mesh on those. I'll have to do that in Patchwork/10.

Back home, I missed Aurora's birthday. :C





Heee. <33

Meanwhile, the crib and the bed were swapped - Aurora now slept in the hall, Jessica in the bedroom.

That's the third fire in Krow this week - AND they don't have a fire alarm, they couldn't afford it before. 8|

The meal itself was ruined, but at least Liz had been able to extinguish it herself.

Day 4 was a snow day in their part of town, which was pretty good news for Jessica. Also, I'm totally digging how different Aurora looks to Harlequin Bruty. This bodes well for Damien Torrisi's Xenophillia Challenge. I fucking love her pudding face.

Having decided that Jessica looks pretty nice in pink, she got a new set of everyday clothes instead.

Jessica and Elizabeth went on a hike together.

They came back itchy. :C I hate that. After a bath (that was stopped early on account of being itchy), Liz called up Andrjez.

Guess what? He's a Knowledge Sim. Liz is a Family sim. NEVER HAD THAT COMBO BEFORE.

It went so well that Liz asked Andrjez to move in. He brought $1,857 with him... but there's no room for a double bed, so he'll have to nap on a couch until there is. He's a Knowledge sim with the LTW of becoming Cult Leader - the same as Andrew, which I just find weird. Maybe this is Liz's way of telling me she'll still get the guy she wants even if I don't want to let her. He has a gold talent badge, 3 cooking, 7 mechanical, 2 charisma, 6 body, 2 logic, 7 creativity, 3 cleaning. He's a Counterfeiter and not too far away from a promotion - he can keep it 'cause Kelly is Captain Hero. As a Sagittarius, he's sloppy but ridiculously active. Sometimes he's nice, but actually pretty grumpy.

He had a goldmine in his inventory. <3 Piano, fish tank, pinball machine, stove. :D About $8k in total worth.

He got a quick haircut and wardrobe change.

I think it might be a bit too much rock and not enough "hey, I'm a criminal", but it will do for the now. I won't know how much I actually like it until I see him wandering around the neighbourhood during other rotations. I was tempted to change his hair to black (since as I've mentioned before, I don't like it when hair [of any colour] is lighter than the skin [of any colour]. Aesthetically, it just doesn't do it for me.) He looked better in blonde than any other colour though, so he kept it.

Andrew no doubt had some misgivings about the new arrangement - and understandably so. Hadn't Liz moved awfully fast? What if it didn't work out? Well, whatever happened - he'd be there for the kids.

With the ground thawed, Liz and Andrew went to digging again. They mostly found rocks and bones - Liz was lucky enough to find a treasure chest, and the family cashed in to bring their funds to $14,000. I want them to have at least $20,000 - the renovations won't be cheap, when I get to them. XD

Not enough for a pet, yet. :C


It's like I accidentally started playing an Asylum. There aren't enough beds, to start with. Someone has to nap on the couch. There's always two sims up in the middle of the night, and Aurora has her own body clock. There's only one bathroom for the four sims capable of using it. Everyone wants to play with the RC car, but doing so wakes the toddler - if she's crying, the person on the couch has no hope of sleeping. There's no real room for any skilling objects, to they kind of faff around trying to do things that make it hard for other sims in the household.

Plus, everything is TOO SMALL so half the time they're getting route-blocked. XD

Yay, Aurora's birthday. :D She grew up in solid gold, with 3 logic and 1 charisma point. Personality wise, Aurora is 10 points neat and 10 points nice - reasonably outgoing, but 1 point serious. Definite bookworm, I think. Her OTH is science, which is remarkably appropriate.

She's definitely got bigger-than-average eyes, and her profile is pretty interesting too.

I really look forward to seeing her as a teen and as an adult.

Poor Liz totally missed it - she was passed out in her room.

The family bought a new bed, which was moved into Jessica's room so that the girls could share.

Day 7 started with Liz and Andrjez sharing breakfast.

New hair and clothes for Aurora - I think they're okay, short hair definitely suits her face.

By sunday afternoon the family had managed to raise about $17000 - not as much as I'd like, but I made do.

The reno in total cost 15,000. A second story was added, much like the Confetti house... but with the added challenge of being ON A TINY LITTLE LOT FFFFFUUUU

I think, though, that it will work for them. I like the kitchen the most.

I was originally going to do it in bright green and black, since Liz's token colour is green. I couldn't find anything that worked, though, so I went for orange, white and yellow... which is probably my favourite kitchen colour combination in TS2.

The bathroom was moved to make space for the kitchen, and planted on the other side of Liz's room (which she shares with Andrjez - he gets a bed now, yay!). This is where Jessica, Aurora and Elizabeth had their rooms.

Behind that and next to the stairs is the nursery, with the same two cots that Jessica and Aurora were brought up in, just reupholstered and repainted. That was where Andrew had been sleeping.

Now, directly above this is Andrew's room.

Next to it is a second bathroom, since there's five of them in the house and they're going to need it. At the end of the level is the room that Jessica and Aurora share, along with some easels. Aside from the bookcase, there wasn't much room for any other kind of skilling objects. :C

I want to move the family to a bigger lot with a better house, but it'll be a while before they have the funds for that. At least when they move out, the sim who moves in will have a home already.

Twins. @_@

Two little girls, named Marie and Anne. They are named the reverse of what I wanted. Oh well. Marie is being held by Andrew, I think she might have Liz's skintone, which is unusual for Gen 2 in my game. Most get a curious geneticised in-betweener, like Anne did. Anne is really dark - they both have Andrjez's eyes. Honestly, I was hoping for super dark skin and Liz's green eyes (SO PRETTY), but it's really no big deal. They're both really cute. :D

Annnd that's it for this family this week. :D Their funds were a rather low $1380 - their sum contribution is $138.

Stats: Krow - Week 9
8 Households: Confetti, Cwik, Bruty, Hark-Crowley, Omega, Omega 2, Patchwork and Torrisi.
6 Household Businesses: Omega Bar, Patchwork Patterns, Jackalope Grocery, Rotor, Patchwork Bakery and a bookstore.
8 Community lots: 6 Businesses, 2 Public - "Little Red Restaurant", "Krow Cemetary".
11 Job slots: Architecture, Athletic (occupied), Business x 5 (2 occupied), Culinary, Law Enforcement x 2 (2 occupied), Slacker (occupied).
University Fund: $30, 816. (30,678 + 138)

The addition of Andrjez, Marie and Ann takes the population to 34 Playables. With a multiplier of 3, the total population is 102. Lol, I finally passed the 100 mark. Might my BACC be progressing any slower? XD

Next up will be the first week for the Cwik Family. :D

week 9, family: hark

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