Krow - Week 8 - The Torrisi Family

May 07, 2011 23:46

I just watched S6E02 of Doctor Who: the Day of the Moon. During it, I drank strawberry flavoured GIANT ramune - so ~410 mL (or 13.86 fl.oz) of a really super sweet softdrink in about 45 minutes. Now, it's Torrisi Time! Are you ready? I'm not. :C Some commentary may be the result of a sugar rush, which is not that different to how I behave when I've had too much to drink. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

Despite it being the biggest household in Krow, not a huge amount happened. By the end of the week everyone except Matt was at work or school, so I managed to cut my update down to 80 pictures, without missing anything except a lot of "This sim is sleeping in a bed" and "this sim is eating pancakes".

But before getting into it, I just wanted to do a quick run down of the teens and adults in the house, so we know what's what. The others will be done at the start of next week, or as they age to teenager or something like that. WHEN THEY'RE OLD ENOUGH, basically.

Matt Torrisi. Currently an Elder (in serious need of a makeover), he's a Popularity Sim with an LTW to become The Law. He's the controllable in this house. He has 6 cooking points, 2 mechanical points, 1 charisma, 3 body, 5 logic, 0 creativity and 5 cleaning. He's unemployed but owns the business Rotor, has a Gold Sales badge and a Silver Robotics Badge. He is 58 days old. He's a classic Virgo: very neat, very shy.

Chris Torrisi. She married into the family, and will become an Elder in 7 days time. She's also a Popularity Sim, with an LTW to become a Celebrity Chef. She has 2 cooking, 4 mechanical, 3 charisma, 1 body, 9 logic, 5 creativity and 2 cleaning points. She's employed in the Slacker career track as a Freelance Photographer. As an Aries she's pretty outgoing, but not very playful or nice.

Damien Torrisi. The eldest of the family. He will become an adult in 11 days - he's actually about the same age as Harlequin Bruty and Jupiter Omega. He is also a Popularity Sim, and his LTW is to become Captain Hero. He has 10 Logic points and 2 cleaning points. Damien is the unfortunate sim who is going to be doing the Xenophillia Challenge. This is basically because he's taken rather good care of the kids ever since he aged up, so the game's given him some basic instincts. He's an Aries too, very neat, very outgoing, not playful or that nice.

Jonathan Torrisi. The second oldest of the family, he will become an adult in 15 days, since he only recently became a teen. He's a Family Sim and wants to raise 20 Puppies or Kittens. He has 7 Logic points and 4 creativity points. He's a lot like his father - very neat, very shy. Jonathan won't be ISBI heir: he's destined to take up the Business Career, and perhaps open a musical venue. It's all part of The Plan.

The week kicked off with Matt bonding with the kids.

It's going to be hard to get all their skills covered before they age, but damn if I don't try.

Damien, meanwhile, got up and looked out the window to marvel at the rain. THREE TIMES.

Chris did exactly the same thing. :| I know it queues up in their actions while they sleep, but it's rather annoying that they HAVE TO DO IT WHEN THEY GET UP. :C I like controllables, you can get rid of all that just by asking them to pee. :C

After school, Damien tortured Jonathan for his new clothes, whilst Isaiah went straight to bed.

Matt did the same: he'd been trying to teach the toddlers all day, with some success.

Goodness, look how different their profiles are.

It's things like this that sealed Damien's fate.

He's not a Family Sim but he's soooo good at it. :C

To be fair, Jonathan was helpful too.

Since it's an ISBI household, overnight is like musical beds. Of Isaiah, Jonathan and Damien, they are never asleep all at the same time. :| At least one is up at any given time. So far though, they've all made it to school on time, leaving Matt to parent on his own.

Matt's solo parenting on these twins is making me fear the Xenophillia challenge. :c He's coping well enough, but he also has the added help of supporting family members. Damien won't get that for quite some time. :C

Fortunately, Chris does pitch in occasionally.

In the afternoon of Day 2, Marcus finished learning to walk and talk. He's left to fend for himself, now.

Aside from toddler issues, I'm starting to wonder if Jupiter Omega is on a mission to photobomb EVERY FAMILY this rotation.

That's 3/3, now, not including his own family's update. :C Strangely, the game told me that Isaiah didn't actually go to school? I could have sworn he did... I wonder what he did all day, he sure wasn't in the house. o_o

The twins were put to bed for a few hours before they age up.

Don't stop being awesome, Damien. EVER.

Jonathan went to bed about 5.30, which is no surprise considering he got up at 11pm LAST night. :C

Yay, both boys grew up! I did completely fail to get any photos of them after growing up though, so you'll have to look for them as the update goes on. 8|

Marcus grew up well. :D He has 3 Charisma Points, and that's all. :C Zachary grew up well too. He also grew up in matching Pyjamas, which I kept because HOW CUTE IS THAT. He has 3 Logic points and 1 Charisma point. Guys, you had like ALL THE BABY TOYS. Where are your skills.

To celebrate, the cribs and changing table were FINALLY sold and replaced with nice beds.

I'm so glad they won't be needed anymore. Chris isn't on Birth Control, but the odds of her getting pregnant are like, tiny. 5% or something like that - and then she'll be into the sim equivalent of menopause, so that's fine too.

Oh yes, Marcus is definitely a Torrisi.

All they do is play chess. :C

I decided that either he, or Zachary will be the ISBI heir. I know that being the youngest in the family, it opens the door to a big problem if Chris AND Matt die before they become adults... which is at least 3 game weeks away. So if Matt dies, Chris will be torch holder until Jonathan becomes an adult. He'll then be the torchholder until the twins become adults. Damien and Isaiah will move out when it's their turn to, and Jonathan will follow them once his reign is over.

On the other hand, I could just make Jonathan the ISBI heir. I don't know. 8| All I'm certain of is that it won't be Damien or Isaiah. I'll see how the twins age up, and what Week 9 is like. The teens have ages to go to adulthood anyway.

Poor Matt was super hungry and in red aspiration, so he made salmon and then went and practised robotics to get his gold badge until dawn.

I watched the parade of kids go to school. C:

... and home again.

They brought Lupine Confetti home with them, yay! The Plan, it progresses!

Matt made dinner for everyone. With a family of 7 and servings for 6, poor Matt doesn't always get any of the food for himself. :C

Oh, snap. That's the TH too, how embarrassing.

The next morning (Day 4), Matt practised more robotics, Chris stood around looking bored.

Lupine came over in the afternoon again. :D

I totally forgot that Isaiah was aging up. The game told me but sometimes I bear remarkable similarity to a goldfish. He grew up platinum, and became a Pleasure Sim, which works out nicely with what I have planned. He has 3 charisma points and 5 logic points.

I wasn't digging his aged up look though, so he got a new one!

Here's his new look! :D For some reason, his hairstyle/face make me think of a character in someone's simstory, somewhere. I just don't know who. It bugs me every time I look at him. :C (You should see me with voice actors.)

Oh, Lupine. :C That's not very polite.

Oh look, the bed's finally claimed by Isaiah, even though it's really supposed to be Damien's. Oh well. :3 It's being used, at least.

Everyone got up at 3am on Day 5. :C I don't know why.

Keep doing what you're doing, Chris.

I'm starting to think that Damien looks a little bit alien himself (paintbrush over the nose not included). Oh, and I threw a bunch of easels around the house to encourage creativity.


Belle does not approve of your outfit, young townie.

He's been at it for days, but his comfort drains so fast that it's kind of like, "build 3/4 of a munchie bot. BUBBLE BATH! Finish the bot. SLEEEEEEP."

And, I took one of Matt's munchiebots and put it in the hall. It will retrieve pizza if there's enough hunger on the lot - great for when he's asleep, everyone is awake and wanting FOOD RIGHT NOW. I don't think it breaks the rules but I also don't really care if it does. 8|

Yes Chris, you do smell.

Painting montage!

Then Matt went to Rotor, to get some monies earned. :3

Turns out that Robin McCarthy has 8 cooking points, 6 mechanical, 9 charisma, 9 body, 5 logic, 7 creativity and 9 cleaning points. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY POINTS THAT IS. Her wage was $15 p/hour until I noticed that the game called her "ridiculously underpaid". Her fair wage? $83 an hour. HOLY CRAP. :C

If she was not a Maxis townie, she'd be marrying in SO fast.

Since she's way to expensive to afford per hour (but incidentally, great for a restaurant), she was let go and replaced by Vyn Menon. Vyn has some skills but zero badges, and costs a quarter of what Robin would - $20. She also doesn't have a photo... but she face-2'd once put into her uniform so you aren't really missing anything.

Then it was to business!

I want to marry this sim in to a family very soon, because I think she's gorgeous. I'm just not sure who. Preferrably not someone from the Torrisi brood, since Matt's eyes are fairly similar to these. I guess it will depend on attraction. :3

Whoo, Good Review! A Best of the Best award too - thanks Amar. :D

I kind of want to marry him in. 8|

Pretty pretty, right? Congratulations Amar, you are on THE LIST.

Rotor got to Rank 10, at long last. <3 :D :D :D I still have the two top money prizes to cash in, but I'm holding off that until the kids start moving out, which is when it will be most needed.

Back home, catch at 2am in Winter? Why not!

Pizza! I didn't even see that, very sneaky Munchiebot. I kind of want to redo the kitchen, it's starting to be a bit boring. :C I think I'll wait until the Gen 2 Torchholder takes over, though. I did try, but I found nothing that really suited it, so I didn't bother keeping any of the changes made.

Day 7 - Sometimes, there's no helping them. :C

Happy birthday Chris! She aged in very, very low green - better than Matt's current state (mid red, yikes), but not bad. Her skills haven't really changed since the start of the post - no promotions or anything like that, either. She even smiled for the occasion! I think her hair is a bit too short though.

Someone built a snowman... I'm not sure who.

Matt talked on the phone to Amar (the store reviewer) until they became friends, pushing him into green aspiration for the first time in DAYS.

Then it was back to the work bench. I was determined. 8|


It only took forever.

Stats: ISBI
Torch-Holders: 1
Fires: 0
Pass-outs: 6 7
Self-Wettings: 1
Repo-man: 0
Special Deaths/Total Death Count: 0/0
Reach top of a career: 0
LTWs Achieved: 0

Stats: Krow - Week 8
6 Households: Cwik, Confetti, Omega, Omega 2, Patchwork and Torrisi.
6 Household Businesses: Omega Bar, Patchwork Patterns, Jackalope Grocery, Rotor (an electronic toy store), Patchwork Bakery and a bookstore.
7 Community lots: Household Businesses +1 = Little Red Restaurant.
9 Job slots: Architecture (occupied) Athletic (occupied), Business x 3, Culinary, Law Enforcement x 2 (2 occupied), Slacker (occupied).
University Fund: $14,961. (Plus an unknown amount from the Torrisi family, I'll add it next time I load the game.)

Next is the Confetti Family, following an Awesimsauce Challenge.

week 8, family: torrisi, challenge: isbi

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