Krow - Week 6 - The Torrisi Family

Apr 16, 2011 09:35

The last two updates have seen my population go down. :C The solution? MOAR BABIES.

First on the firing line? The Torrisis. 8D Chris handled her last pregnancy just fine, so I decided to give her a third one. ISBIs will now have a maximum of 3 pregnancies per generation I didn't even try to stick to this rule at all. (The Confetti Family will still have 2, since that is the rule for Awesimsauce Legacies.) Of course, a lot of babies = a lot of toddlers, which I conveniently forgot about. Worry not, the game reminded me in hilarious ways.

Day 1, 4am and Damien demanded to be let out.
But since neither parent could help with that, he was stuck in his crib for a couple more hours.

Also, he woke up Jonathan.

8am and Parenting is a GO!

Chris looked out the window to see that it was snowing, stood there for a game hour and then magically found her way to the nursery. I was rather impressed. Once the kids were settled (or wandering around the house unsupervised), the pair of them went off to try for another baby.

Chris fell asleep and missed her carpool, damnit. I was really hoping that she wouldn't get fired, or chastised for it - turns out, she used a day of paid vacation. There are 7 left, hurrah.

Poor Damien. The household did not have a bathtub, so once he got stinky he had to stay stinky.

Happy Birthday, Jonathan! :D

It was late, so the parents went to bed.

... LOL. ISBI syndrome, I'm sorry Damien. To think there will be more of you. :C

Day 2! Chris continued to surprise me.

I caved and got them a tub, since they did have the money for it. I believe Damien's exact sentiment was "About time, dad." He still hadn't learnt to walk, so Matt spent the day teaching him how to do that, before he aged up.

He aged up riiiiiiight as Matt was bringing him a bottle. Heehee. XD

Extreme close up, for your benefit. I am rubbish and figuring out what facial elements come from which parents, but he's rather handsome. I love these face templates. :C I love his eyes, too, I'm glad at least one kid got them. He'll be keeping the hair but I'll change it to a different recolour - a bit too shiny for my liking, when everyone else's hair is rather matte.

I used this opportunity to look at his stats. Damien has 3 Logic points, and he's an Aries. He is fastidiously neat and outgoing, but everything else is mid-to low. He managed to grow up well, by the way.

Lol, he's SO PALE, especially compared to his father.

I bought a bed for Damien, but it had to go into the nursery. There's no room for it right now. I don't know that Damien really has time to go to Rotor at the moment, being the sole torch holder and all that, so they need an alternative income to supplement Chris and her pay. Digging, I suppose.

Day 3 started rather well. :D

But Jonathan woke his brother. :C I really need to put dividers down. Damien escaped off to school whilst Jonathan was fed, cleaned, and taught to talk.

Torrisi is the new Patchwork apparently, with this homework-near-the-kitchen-thing.

Damien was utterly exhausted - he went to bed at about 3, the previous night, and Jonathan woke him about 6.30. So he went straight to bed the instant homework was done.

Oh yes. ;D Dividers, baby.

He slept for a few hours and then got up for a late night snack. Chris explained that there were more of him on the way.

Chris popped for the second time on Day 4.

LOL. This house is a MESS. Chris is constantly hungry or passing out (she passed out in her food twice, and both toddlers have passed out on the floor), she peed herself and Matt's in red aspiration because he never has time to do anything for himself. AND MORE KIDS ARE COMING.

Then, this happened.

Jonathan passed out in front of the tub, right. Chris stood between Jonathan and the tub to fret about him, and got route-blocked. She stood there long enough to pass out (which wasn't very long at all). Meanwhile, Matt couldn't get OUT of the tub because CHRIS was there, and SHE couldn't go anywhere until both she and Jonathan woke up. Lmao.

Eventually, they made it.

Everything was like this, all week. I am frankly amazed that Chris held onto this pregnancy. This was her 4th pass out, by the way.

She finally went into labour about 8am on Day 5.

This was actually the second time - I forgot to roll genetics the first time, so First Born Syndrome kicked in. I quit without saving and reloaded. The most recent save was from early Day 2. Yeah. :| Had to replay a lot of the week to get back to this point. So if you notice different things in the house, that's probably it.

Anyway! On impulse I picked "Random" for the number of babies.

It was just the one boy, though. Say hello to Isaiah Torrisi. HE HAS FRECKLES, LOL.

At about the same time, Damien and Jonathan were given new clothes and in Jonathan's case, new hair. I forgot to change Damien's. :|

Meanwhile, Isaiah got left on the floor (like his brothers in their day), but Matt saved him. Of course, no sooner was he in his crib than Chris had him out to be fed.

It was a snow day so Damien stayed home, but Chris went to work, leaving Matt to deal with the three of them. How rude. I want them to have another baby.

In the evening, I noticed they were both horribly unfit. So, diet time. A healthy dinner of salad (mind you, the thing that makes a meal healthy is the quality and freshness of the ingredients and the amount of preservatives in the food. those frozen healthy meal things? rubbish! eat some freshly cooked pasta and home made bolognese. BETTER FOR YOU.) and plenty of workout time for the pair - without commanding Chris, worry not. ;D

Muuuuch better.

A long time ago, I used to think that the number of times you cuddled or played with a baby would help determine their nice/outgoing/etc.

Heh. Matt and Chris both fell asleep while Jonathan was out of his crib. The solution? Crawl into their room at 5.30 on a saturday, and screech. Works every time.

After Jonathan was asleep the pair danced in their bedroom. Damien got terribly upset that he couldn't finish making the bed.

Chris went to work again, Jonathan finished his Walking Lessons, Damien played an excessive amount of chess and Isaiah cried because he soiled himself, as babies do. Matt made a few different dishes so that I could store them in his inventory.

Chris had a miscarriage once she got home from work. :| WON'T STOP ME.

That evening, Jonathan grew up!

He looks quite different to Damien, which I'm glad of. :D But, I only had space for three beds. So Matt camped on the couch because he'd be home all day the following day, and could sleep properly, later.

Then Jonathan got up from his spot in the parent bed and copied him. Sigh. I woke Damien up about 1am to go sleep with Chris, since she was having nightmares.

Jonathan is evidently on the Autobots side. He went and stole Damien's bed after this, and Matt played chess with his eldest son. Then I realised it was sunday and they needed money to get a small house extension, etc etc. DIGGIN TIEM.

He recovered a rock, a bone and a map. More was planned but Isaiah wanted to grow up in the middle of this.

Cutie. :D

They didn't have the funds to make any major changes so I sold a crib and the bathtub, moved some junk around, and bought two more beds (because for some reason, I thought they had 3 children, not 2 children and 1 toddler).

It's a bit cramped, as you can see. Since Matt didn't go to his store at all, he didn't get the chance to do much about raising money, so the space remains limited.

Chris was pregnant again, just not showing. I routinely check on her using the inteeminator, since I have no sound in my game and I like to know these things. It's not like I can control her to help the pregnancy along, lol. I know I said ISBIs would have limited offspring but screw that. 8| I do what I want.

As for the kids themselves, I'm pretty sure that kid number 4 will be a boy, too. A male Torrisi offspring will be doing the Xenophobia Challenge, I'm not sure who. I'll figure that out once most of them have turned into teens and I can pick a new torchholder. So one kid will be the ISBI heir (that poor soul), another will do the Xenophobia challenge, and the other two will go into households of their own to spawn more babies and businesses and such. That's the plan, at least.

Stats: ISBI
Torch-Holders: 1
Fires: 0
Pass-outs: 0 6
Self-Wettings: 0 1 (Thankyou, Chris. :C)
Repo-man: 0
Special Deaths/Total Death Count: 0/0
Reach top of a career: 0
LTWs Achieved: 0

Stats: Krow - Week 6
4 Households: Confetti, Omega, Patchwork, Stretch and Torrisi.
4 Household Businesses: Omega Bar, Patchwork Patterns, Jackalope Grocery and Rotor (an electronic toy store).
5 Community lots: Household Businesses +1 = Little Red Restaurant.
9 Job slots: Architecture (occupied) Athletic (occupied), Business x 3, Culinary, Law Enforcement x 2, Slacker (occupied).

The birth of Isaiah brings the population to 15 Playables. With a multiplier of 3, the total population is 45.

Next in the rotation is the Awesimsauce lifestyle of the Confetti Family. :)

week 6, family: torrisi, challenge: isbi

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