May 28, 2007 11:19

sometimes people do thinks for the hell of it. wether it be, well i dont know. but that shits gay

Dave and I are .. i dno, hes out .. we fucked and nows its like whatever .. supposedly he told my best friend that he just wanted to be friends whatever he doesnt wanna be tied down this & that .. and he doesnt want me to be pressed about it. wow .. this kid definetly reminds me of dean.

well whatever, i wanna hear that from him - i mean i knew this was going to happen but i tried to remain optimistic about it. dont cry over spilt milk.. clean it it up and get another glass ;)

i know weird entry - maybe something better later on.

edit ;
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: di u go to work
J iS FOR JUiiCY: no, i told you i wasnt going too
J iS FOR JUiiCY: wat r u doin
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: eating an icecream cone and watching something on afganistan gold
J iS FOR JUiiCY: lol your pretty cool
J iS FOR JUiiCY: please hold.
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: Fuck all that holdin
J iS FOR JUiiCY: i had to beat up my brothers
J iS FOR JUiiCY: btw, i have scratches all on my back from the other night
J iS FOR JUiiCY: sooo thanks for that one >:o'
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: from who
J iS FOR JUiiCY: uhh
J iS FOR JUiiCY: you salim
J iS FOR JUiiCY: andrew
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i dont have any finger nails
J iS FOR JUiiCY: when we were fighting out whatever
J iS FOR JUiiCY: well someone fucked my shit up
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i bite all my nails off
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i rarely have some
J iS FOR JUiiCY: so i heard this really gay rumor abt you
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i bet
J iS FOR JUiiCY: no im serious
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: from who
J iS FOR JUiiCY: it was something like, you didnt wanna be tied down& and you wanted to do your own thing .. and you didnt want me being pressed or something stupid like that ...
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: Hows that a rumor...
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i definitly said... i dont want you getting pressed on me
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: for some reason... everyone keeps telling me you are
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: and thats not what i want
J iS FOR JUiiCY: lol
J iS FOR JUiiCY: whose telling yout hat
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: Try all you're friends
J iS FOR JUiiCY: .....
J iS FOR JUiiCY: how do you figure im "pressed" on you
J iS FOR JUiiCY: i mean, yeah i like you but im not on your dick
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: well... whatever you wanna hear from kaitie is whatever
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i told her what and how i felt
J iS FOR JUiiCY: i wanna hear it from you
J iS FOR JUiiCY: which is why im asking yo8u
J iS FOR JUiiCY: ,,,,,,
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: I already told you
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: im doing me, like you're doing you correct
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: im not playing games i dont play games
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i keep my shit straight up
J iS FOR JUiiCY: & ... where does that leave me and you
J iS FOR JUiiCY: nothing,
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: who said ther ewas a me and you
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: ?
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: ??
J iS FOR JUiiCY: your a pretty interesting character.
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: Thanks
J iS FOR JUiiCY: i mean you say you want one thing , then do another .. and i mean i understand you just get out of jail
J iS FOR JUiiCY: get your fair share of pussy,
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: you definitly musta thought because we had sex i was your boyfriend
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: and i wasnt
J iS FOR JUiiCY: np
J iS FOR JUiiCY: nooo
J iS FOR JUiiCY: lol
J iS FOR JUiiCY: i dont have a boyfriend.
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: you told me u dont want a boyfriend right away
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: and im keeping it that way
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: do i have to re read all these letters
J iS FOR JUiiCY: do i?
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: yeah... and get the exact quotes?
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i definitly was talking 2 you in jail
J iS FOR JUiiCY: and you get out& what?
J iS FOR JUiiCY: .. do whatever
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: you know andrew told me i shoulda told you already
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: yeah i do whatever i want
J iS FOR JUiiCY: your right ..
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: I shoulda never had sex with you
J iS FOR JUiiCY: your right
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i knew you'd pull this
J iS FOR JUiiCY: what the fuck are you talking about
J iS FOR JUiiCY: i asked you a fuckin question& your thinkin catching feelings and all this shit
J iS FOR JUiiCY: sorry to say that shit was there kinda before we had sex.
J iS FOR JUiiCY: but whatever, '
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: yeah me catching feelings
J iS FOR JUiiCY: ......?
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: thats hilarious
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: maybe i was interested n you while i was in jail
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: then not seeing you... and some other shit just lost interest?
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: i dont know... im sorry forwhatever i did but i guess i wasnt right
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: u definitly were cool... yeah i talked about being in a rleaitionship and all that
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: no doubt... whatever i failed
J iS FOR JUiiCY: and as a male
J iS FOR JUiiCY: im not gunna put it past you
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: what do u mean as a male
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: You have a penis
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: I played with a goat today
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: lol 2 of them actually
JaCk of SpAdeZ 4: they are wild
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