Nov 26, 2004 03:38
Well... what can i say!
On wednesday went out drinking a bit at 5:30 in the afternoon, your normal university drinking time, and played some pool games which improved a bit with the F=MxA formula where F is fluke, M mass and A alcohol.
Then decided to go ALL the way down hill to go shopping with a odd shopping list which had the following entries:
Turkey (the country!)
Mocking abilities
Yogurt, Just plain Yogurt
Squash (tennis!)
On thursday decided to have a ralaxing day (as usual) and did bugger all but eat, destroy my brain with a pointless lecture on inverterbrates and watch TV, Oh how stressful a university student's day can be!! (buah hua hua hua!!!)
And thats all folks, its time for me to have dennis and leave you... Cheerio!!!!!!!!
p.s. thinking of making a dennis hating society but already done by the parents of this thing.
pp.s want to know what u think of this entry and what can be improved, this will cost 1 pint per suggestion (for me!), so start telling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!