Mar 09, 2006 21:31
Finally, I've arrived at that long awaited spring break. man i can't really remember what it's like to have one since i never had one at my university in brazil. as i watch this semester dwindle away i can't help but wonder what the hell i want to do after i graduate? many of my friends are graduating and taking a year off to go travel, some are going to grad. school, and yet others are busting their asses off in interview after interview to get a decent job. yesterday i was thinking that i'm too active a person to be stuck in an office doing a job from 9-5. i'd go crazy with out the ability to go mountain biking or rock climbing or something every other day. i can see myself day dreaming about being on the beach in Rio de Janiero drinking beer with my friends or climbing some new rout on a mountain that we just figured out, but sitting in an office doing some mundane job everyday seems like it would be hell to me. well i guess the good thing is i still have a little while to think about it. man if only i could get paid to mountain bike or climb that would be sweet. BACANA PORRA!! Pois ta...what's there to say when your mind is fueled by guarana, caffine, and cachaca? i wonder.....