Dec 03, 2007 16:53
So, you know when people gang up on you and make you do something you really don't want to do and you have to find some insidious way of getting revenge on them? Yeah, well that happened last night. Except for the insidiousness bit. Revenge was very overt.
So Amy trapped me into playing Sea Farers of Catan last night. I was invited to a benign "game night" at La Casa Picante, and since I had not been to Amy's place for some time, I accepted. When I got there, though, the game choice was none other than the cursed form of Settlers that I have avoided--quite purposefully and successfully--for a very long time. I tried to dodge out, but they weren't having it. So there I was, playing a game that I really didn't want to play, but with people I liked and did not want to overly annoy.
In retrospect, I'm not sure why I've avoided the game so long... Perhaps because I was afraid I would like it and have to fork out another $50 buying the dumb thing. As it turns out, that fear was unfounded. The game was enjoyable, but I have managed to curtail any impulsive or compulsive purchasing desires.
Regardless, I had been coerced into the affair, and there I was stuck playing a game that I really had no desire to play. There wasn't much I could say as certain people, and certain people's moms, were being very insistent that I participate. What does one do in such circumstances?
Beat the snot out of them.
And I did. I had triple the points of last place, and more than double that of second and third. Take that ye coercive peoples who won't take "no" for an answer! Come back and I shall taunt ye again!
sea farers