only a few more months

Apr 11, 2004 09:08

Wow i can't wait until college, i thought it would just be a place to escape from home and to "learn" but it looks sooo tight. I am sittin here in my hosts room, its around 9 am, and i havent gone to bed yet. Played hold'em(three tournaments), went around westwood, played tennis in the stadium court, played football and basketball, went to a club (sadly 18 and over), went back and played spoons and blackjack not for shots.... of course not..., watched drunk people, and just sat and talked. I unno it just seems so alive that ur constantly doing things and moving around. The people in the residential halls become such a tight knit community that living there might outway the benefits of having a bathroom in ur room, i just like how close everyone is like everyone leaves their doors open and u just walk in and sit and chill or whatever, everyone knows everyone on the floor. Dorm food is pretty good, their smoothies at Puzzles were really good, open exremely late too, we got burgers at 2 ish. So i guess it's time for me to think about berkeley and la, i will give berkeley the benefit of the doubt but man, la skyrocketed in my book after this. The atmosphere here is just what i like and the campus is real pretty, i just can see myself living here for the next four years. i gotta go get changed for breakfast. more later
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