adding to kha's last entry

Aug 08, 2003 22:11

ya, kha, you might not want to go into her feministness and her over-religiousness, but I do. After basically every male composer she wrote that he was a male chauvanist pig, in her so called next book, and after a woman composer she would write something like "who would have thought, that the best composer of type of music was a woman" or something like the male chavanist pigs were aghast that a woman could create the so-called best music in the world. hmm now for the over-religiousness, basically every other page had some mentioning of the Church, and how it helped music, and how we should all have faith.. I mean ok, for the ancient, medieval, renaissance and baroque music this it is sound to say that the church influenced music, but it is blatently wrong to say that the blues, jazz, romantic music, heavy metal, and rap were all created to show the glory of God. she also made us read material that she supported and believed in, including the one titled "WHO murdered Africa." In this so-called intelligent article, the author claims that WHO, the World Health Organization created the AIDS virus with the help of "communist" scientists in the US Army's Infectious disease research center to distroy western civilization. The author, who says that he is an MD, incorretly states that the size of the virus is smaller than that of the small pox virus, thus being more harmless, which is incorrect because ebola is even smaller than the AIDS virus, and well is known to kill almost all victims within a few days. None the less he used that statement to back up his claim that AIDS should not be dangerous and transmittible, but rather the fact that it is placed in the small pox and hepatitis vaccines causes the AIDS virus to be spread to millions of people an the world. He does go on with more radical claims, but writing them just makes me mad, so i will close this segment with his last comment, that we should close all labs that deal with the AIDS virus, and allow only "loyal americans" work there, even though this would halt all efforts to help treat AIDS, and all developments towards a cure. And this was just one of the countless number of articles that she made us read. Some do have merit to them, like one or two, but the rest are like the example i cited. O and one final thought about this professor, she goes on in her last chapter and "predicts" future, ya and its really really really sac, stupid, and F**ked up. It would take too long for me to bash it. Sorry you had to hear me rant and rave again, i need to mention a little about what kha tommy and i had to deal with in the past 8 weeks, if we seemed a little different to you guys
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