(no subject)

Dec 08, 2006 13:51

Well.. everyone is a LJ slacker.  Every single one of you.  Including myself.

I'm trying very very hard to study right now. buuuuut.... I keep falling asleep.  Last night I slept, but the night before I didn't.  And apparently that was a bad decision.  I'm hoping that updating this will wake me up a little bit so that I can get something done.

I'm very behind in all of my readings and studyingness and all that jazz. It's really no good at all.  I have a final tomorrow. Cramer's Psych. and I want to just not take it.  What kind of evil person puts a final on Saturday night!?  ...gay.

- and I'm here to sing about the things that mattered
about the things that made us feel alive for oh so long
about the things that kept you by my side when I was wrong -

- and some day, I might even sing this song to you
and I was crying all alone tonight
and I was wasting all of my life just thinking of you -

So, it's almost Christmas.  I don't know how I feel about that.

I got into a car accident yesterday.. with a parking block.  A wimpy accident, but......the car is parked for the weekend until we can get it into the shop.  Which is soooooo gay.  My mom won't let me forget about it.  She keeps telling me it could have been a kid that I hit instead.  Which, I mean come one. I've already thought of every single possiblity. And then when I said something to her about it she got mad and said that if I couldn't learn my lesson then I wasn't going to be able to use the car.  I fricking learned my lesson! I'm not going to drive 20 in a round-about driveway thing anymore.  There was nothing I could do.  The ice was ridiculous.   ahhhh frick.  I'm not happy about this.  Not to mention the $$$$$$$$$$  that's going to be a riot.  Had to be just before Christmas....

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