Oct 19, 2003 22:45
Another eventful weekend in the Bury.
Friday consisted of driving home with the husband that i love so much, going to the good ol' solomon pond mall, watching john snore for about an hour, going to see Texas Chainsaw massacre which was way more played out then it should be eating a hamburger and watching some TV.
Saturday consisted of hitting up Kohls with sheryl bright and early, eating a new cereal, spilling glowing pink nail polish on her new carpet, driving around with margaret, church, bertuccies, and back to mi casa por mucho FUN
Today, waking up next to my man, missing the head of the Charles due to extra shitty weather and too many things to do, going grocery shopping, seeing joey be a milk man, wishing my sister Happy birthday, driving back to school in bumber to bumber traffic and watching two episodes of full house!
Well like amy said "she misses the bury" and even though i go home everyweekend, I miss it too. Its not the same at all. I miss everyone and all the closeness and everything...I hear ya...
Anyways im sooo tired...Goodnight peeps