A LJ user named Dogemperor posted a note in a community called
innocence_jihad. The posted contains the responses from LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team after Dogemperor 's failed attempt to shut down the LJ Babywise community with a complaint.
Here is what I have to say to the article found at:
Have you actually read Babywise? If not, you might want to try that before you go much farther with this campaign. If you have actually read (not skimmed) Babywise already, instead of republishing gossip, rumors, lies, and opinions from sites you referenced, please reference the paragraph and page number in the Babywise book that you have issues with being abusive. In reading Babywise, we find statements like, "If your baby is hungry, feed him or her." Page 145 of "On Becoming Babywise (4th Edition)" in chapter titled "When Your Baby Cries."
There is not a single case ever recorded of a baby dying or being diagnosed with "failure to thrive" because the parent followed Ezzo's recommendation in Babywise. You will notice that those claiming these things will never reference a specific case, but will rather use generalizations and opinions based on unsubstantiated recommendations. There are a few parents (and I do mean only a few) who will claim that they had a child diagnosed with failure to thrive because of Ezzo, but if you look into their claims, they were not following Ezzo after all. Probably the most important tool in Babywise is the "Healthy Baby Growth Charts" found in the back of the book. Every parent that claims to be following Babywise should be using these charts and sharing the data with their pediatrician. At the bottom of every single chart there is a statement that says, "Any two consecutive days of deviation from what is listed as normal should be reported immediately to your pediatrician." The bold appears in Babywise exactly as quoted here. The Ezzos teach parents to defer concerns about weight gain and growth to the pediatrician, not to an online forum or another mom.
I recommend you read
Ezzotruth.com for more information on the truth behind the critics of the Ezzos. Specifically, the article on Steve Rein, the owner of one your your source sites, will help start to put things into perspective.
http://ezzotruth.com/steve-rein.html For more information directly from the Ezzos visit
GrowingKids.org Hank Osborne (aka: TheOzz)