Heres what the item description translates into, but it doesn't make much sense to me...
You increase here on a large banner to the film King Arthur.Es have the quantity ca.180cm x 121cm.Das material consist of plastic and are both water resistant as also Wetterdest.Es are in a Top condition and originate from my private Sammlung.An the banner are also the original hanger to that belonging to it dispatch effected in a role and amount to for postage and dispatch 29,00?(ab 121cm take place the dispatch as Sperrgut).Um postage to save can the article will-will that postage are also fetched from the buyer to tragen.Ebay go to the articles "like that as it are sold" from private, that means: with the delivery of a requirement, you explain yourselves expressly in agreement to do without you after new your-genuinly legally which is entitled the guarantee/warranty with gebrauchtwaren completely. The articles are offered to any adhesion and guarantee under exclusion. Do not offer, if you do not agree with these rules. Those are the two I want but I just can't make out what the seller is saying....even in emails, it doesn't translate very well