Nov 05, 2009 12:22
Dad much better. He's awake, and smiling and mouthing words today. He had a trach put in yesterday since he is still on a ventilator. They did 3 rounds of dialysis last week and one on Monday.
Hamish came home last week. A contractor in the area had picked him up, and through the Neighborhood Watch we were able to get him back. Hamish had been living the high life in Prospect. He came back with fleas, worms and a nice case of kennel-cough. The folks who found him had taken him to the vet and got him all checked out, though.
Car is finally fixed. They had to replace the glass twice, but whatevs. It was free. Thanks insurance!
Sebrina, my 11-year old kitty had to go to the vet yesterday. She had projectile vomit, and they found blood in her urine. Dr. thinks it's just stress (apparantly women and cats can pee blood when they are stressed) and gave me some opiate to knock her out for a while. I really hope it's not the bladder stones coming back, but Dr says she has no infection and she didnt see any crystals in her urine.
I'm going to San Diego, California next July. For comic-con. haha. I've never been to California, so I'm pretty excited.
Work is stressful. I wanna go to Alabama this weekend to see Dad, but I dunno if, after all the vet bills recently, I can afford it money-wise or time-wise.