Nov 02, 2009 16:27
Today we went out to the park. I saw the building and remembered there were bears in it but mommy said it wasn't open today. So we went on a little walk behind the bear building. We saw water and threw sticks in it and rocks. That was fun. Then I found a pretty leaf. Mommy showed me onion grass and let me eat a piece. Mommy hopes this doesn't make me think I can eat any grass. We took a little hike and mommy found another pretty leaf. I carried both the leaves and the onion grass till We got o a pond where I got to "catch" leaves with a stick and swirl around the little green plants growing in a sheet on the water. Than I put both my leaves in the water. Then we saw the water fountain and I got to push the button and put my hand in that water to!
On our way out we saw a little boy about my size. I shoe him that I found a rock. He pu one finger on it and we stood there for a while. Then I pointed and showed him my eyes, he said "eyes" very quietly, we stood there some more. Then things seemed to be getting awkward So I kind of jumped away and did a little hyper dance, than we said goodbye.