Sep 12, 2008 21:38
My baby girl is growing up. In the last couple of weeks she's starting walking as her primary mode of transportation. She get around nowq. She especially loves to grabs boxes of food and toddle off to D&C (dump and consume) in private.
She is now eating enough that we sometimes order her her won kiddy meal. Like when we went out to lunch Thursday she ate 75% plus of her kiddy meal, well not so much of the toast, but who eats the toast anyway.
She's also starting to become much more willful. When you take away something she wants she scream her angry red-faced defiance at you. I think the terrible two's come early. People used to compliment her on how good she was when we went out to stores. Now they smile in that way. That way that say "I feel for you but boy am I glad that's not me anymore." Someday I to will be able to give those smiles. In the mean time....french fries are a very effective bribe where they last.