Jan 28, 2004 17:35
dave is going to be one happy mutha fuck in a little time
now i will be so alone
spring break going to florida
mas finaly got a job,
there is saomething i want to say to some one out there
im sorry for fucked up times saying i was good and happier but i shortly found that was fake and
i spent a couple days thinking of it well no eversince youi said it would be a good idea
ive had the thought in the back of my head to talk to someone about my dads death and the efects its had on me well i have i talk to this lady now and she kinda helps but kinda is better than not at all and i just want to once and for all make some complete and uter peace between us we have not talked and that is my fault because i was a big asshole i still am a little but in different ways ive become more um how to say okay with his passing and its aloud me to be more happy insted a of depressed self blaming and in serch of guide through life
i do that myself i have grown up in ways i dont think i would be i f he was alive or i we never met i was being forced to grow up faster than i shoul;d of beeen aloud, sorry you know these big fingers never worked well with key boards anyway but im now at a point were i live day by day work day after day become more dependent on myself and am a lot better in the head and soul and i thought well truefuly i need to say one thing to you i am sorry and this might be the word you told me not to say all the time but this is one of those times that sorry is the word that needs to be said...
and it would be nice to here how everyone is doing
scincerly NUGGET