So why do the banjos scare the camping guys?

Nov 19, 2002 09:23

You've seen that car ad, right? The one where those guys are camping and they hear banjos and get up and run back to their SUV an run away. I know its Deliverence. I have a brief knowledge of why, but I need more info. I had the movie over the weekend but never got around to watching it.

I totally forgot to mention that I changed my hair color. It's weird how your hair color can change the tint of your skin. I had a soft brown color (had some honey in it) and it made my skin a little bronzier. I am happily incredibly pale. But I died it back to a dark red. They call it Pomegranete (I know I didn't spell that right). But it put pink tones in my skin. It's just weird. And kinda cool.

Okay, I need to vent. Fog. It's a beautiful thing. I love it. Makes me want to be outside. (I have a strong hatred for the sun) But people do not know how to drive in it. I was on the FREEWAY this morning and the car in front of me would not go faster then 30MPH. GET THE FUCK OFF THE FREEWAY! Clearly she was afraid of driving in the fog or she didn't know how. --{portions of this post have been deleted due to graphic language. we now return to the regularly scheduled post}-- so I finally get around her and take off down the freeway, I could see her in my rearview STILL doing 25. I was laughing so hard. I'd say that the whole thing raised my stress level. It would have if I was any of my friends but I actually think it relieved more stress then it created. Ya know, cuz I was violently cursing. I feel pretty good right now.

Except for my ears. Inner ear infection. Both ears. My jaw hurts so bad. But I have no insurance right now. Can't see a doctor. Can't get any meds. So I suffer. But I swear, if I don't stop hiccuping soon I am going to go postal.

Should have asked Yoda if today was a good day to call in sick. Time to get back to work.

BTW-- can I just say right now how jealous I am of those of you who A) went to the "joint" or B) went to Molly Malones on Sunday. Wish I could have gone. Think it would have been possible to do the Joint gig and get home at a decent enough hour to make it to work, except for the grapevine being fogged in. Remind me I need to move. Must find a job and a place to live in LA.

cr, tv

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