boredom reigns supreme

Feb 10, 2006 11:48

picked up from anyagotr's LJ...

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: roast beast and twice baked potatoes
i become a gluttenous monster when this dinner is made for me
Literary: fanfic... writing/reading distracts from the boredom of workAudiovisual: crossing jordan never heard of an ME that gets to solve the crimes but its fun watching the sexual tension between jordan and woody
Musical: my iRiver every song/artist i adore is on there and i can shuffle through them all day long!
Celebrity: james marsters i admit it. i'll watch or listen to anything the man does, even if they're not as good as i hope. for many reasons. ;)

Now I tag:-

taruma16 briel _friendlyghost spikeskat and fiercerose

to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.

memes, lj

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