sheeptime! jacked from taruma16

Jan 12, 2006 10:36

1. what's your favorite comfort food ( Read more... )

memes, lj

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taruma16 January 12 2006, 19:49:55 UTC
1. what's your favorite comfort food: cheese nacho chips and chocolate, of course
2. what makes you happy: good music, a good book, sleep
3. what's the last song/vid on your media player: Aussencias from Astor Piazzola, my favorite tango
4. do you read my lj always, often, or sometimes: always
5. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it: the little bits of your RL, makes me feel like I’m part of it
6. an interesting fact about you: dimple in my right cheek when I smile or laugh and N°8
7. do you like boobies: yes
8. most unusual place you've had sex: it was just naughty touching, but on the bunk bed of my nieces and they were in the room *blush*
9. favorite lyric: the lyric of the song Walking In My Shoes
10. best time of the year: summer, long days

1. a film: Muriel’s wedding
2. a book: Vampire vow and Vampire Thrall
3. a band, a song and an album: Depeche Mode, Walking In My Shoes, Songs Of Faith And Devotion
4. a fic: Bent Justice by toobusy2write (Spangel human AU), No More Snakes And Ladders by reremouse and tabaqui both Spander, my newest fandom HP Tears In the Sun by eriador117 or The Courtship Of Harry Potter by Diana Williams, both Snarry. Oh and my all time favorite Spander fic, Sajinn’s Better Living Through Chemistry
5. a fandom: Harry Potter, I convert you *g*

1. one thing you like about me: you’re here for me when I’m down, make me laugh again
2. two things you like about yourself: my hands and my humor
3. put this in your lj so i can tell you what i think of you. Already did!


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