(no subject)

Oct 25, 2005 10:32

last night we had quite the impressive thunderstorm, with some pretty spectacular lightening. even a little rain. it was cool. almost wish we'd had it on sunday as it would've been an awesome backdrop for the sgow but... it probably would've fried us too. and we'd had enough problems with our power on sunday as it was. when the guys arrived, our power was off and the PG&E guy was changing the connectors. that was a little worrisome. but all was well... ;)

and this morning, i was going to sleep in a little because i have to do set-up stuff for the all staff meeting tomorrow. meaning, i meant to be in at 9. but i didn't get here til 10 because i apparently turned off my alarm at some point... oops. but i'm at work now... blah. and i don't want to be. my boss is out. again. and i've been given the task of setting up a visit for someone. which is frustrating because i keep getting told not to do anything with visits and them *slam!* i get told to set them up or go supervise them. grrrr.

well... i suppose i need to go get some stuff done. i need to put the powerpoints for tomorrow on disk... eep.

rant, ah

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