soooo tired!

Oct 24, 2005 10:00

i am so behind on my flist, it's not even funny.

i cleaned my house all day saturday and right now it looks like i threw a wild party and a rock concert. wait... oh right. i did. well, at least, a rock concert. the wild party was mostly just beer drinking. ;)

here's some pics that bloodshedbaby put up from last night... just a few and i am terribly in love with her camera. much love to her for letting me play with it. *hugs*

let me say this... Automatic Hotel kicked major ass! i hear there were even slight rumors of worry over cops showing up... lol. now we know that i suck at reviews so i won't even try. we'll have to see if one of the other lovelies that was here can write something up.

it was awesome meeting Dave and Katie, who were total newbies that heard about it throug one of my myspace postings. and for james to get Chris and Eric to come over. Loren, too, but he was late and only made it in time to hang out with his buddies and partake of the beer. ;) Quinn made it over too. i guess i need a better email for him cuz he never gets my invites and i always send him one. i just literally happened to see him in AIM while we were setting everything up. but he enjoyed them a lot and stuck around for the accoustic stuff too. need to make him a copy of the cd. or he could steal tess', but it's signed... who else? oh yeah! bloodshedbaby made it up. always fabulous to see her again. i got to play with her camera *drool* and now i desperately want one. must get the details on it. and she brought Puppet!Angel with her (obviously, since i've already linked to some pics) and he sort of upstaged M during the accoustic stuff. and has been banned. but i think they made up when he left. there was a touching moment and a very special hug. ;) gotr_groupie made it down with her cousin Tatiana (hope i spelled that right...) haven't seen her since OAKLAND! you live closer now, pepper! we should meet up! and dee25x5 was here too. and motherkus, who was well lubricated. and of course, james. stacy, mom and james have heard stuff but have never seen, so it was good.

not nearly as many as i'd hoped. and might have words with some of my co-workers later about that. but it was still good. and it gave the guys a little rest on their trip back to LA. and of course, let me have a chance to see some of the new stuff and catch a show during this little mini-tour, which i am grateful for.

well... i need to get back to making waffles, etc. and have more coffee. i'm no where near awake enough yet. ;)


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