can i go home yet?

Oct 21, 2005 08:04

i feel drained and sore. for no good reason, either. grrr. today/tonight i need to do my homework for monday because tomorrow i have to clean house. and sunday is going to be pretty busy too. i hope we get a good crowd. mom asked about RSVPs this morning. i haven't gotten many but... i'm still hopeful.

my tummy has been blah since last night. i was a bad girl and had ice cream for dinner and i don't think it liked that. ugh.

going to say that prior to the ep i did not like the guy playing AC in last nights smallville. now... i still think they could've gotten someone better, but he grew on me a bit. did everyone see him full on groping Lois? i pointed it out to james when he watched at 11 and he was like "right on". *snort*. and gonna agree with regan... JM saying "Clark, there's no such thing as vampires" is in the running for funniest line ever. teehee. course, the best line of last nights ep- "you called me a tool." ROFL!

ugh. my tummy is not happy.

maybe mom and i should've stayed home today and watched smallville all day. ;) but then my boss would've gotten all pissy because i'm not coming in on monday til 1.

i had the weirdest dream. i dreamt james, briel, myself and two other girls that i don't know but was obviously friends with were walking through this fair like place. and we stopped at a booth and there was Dane Cook. *drool* and he starts talking with james and invites him into the booth. and then he started hitting on briel and i. and the other two girls were trying on hats. and Dane was all "here, take these necklaces. you'll need them later" and he put these paper necklaces on all of us but the other two were really focused on the hats. and james had beer.

and thats all i got. what were the necklaces for? and why Dane Cook? mind you, i love and adore the man. plus, he is fucking hot! but... seriously... i haven't seen anything with him on it for a while. why was he in my head?


i kicked pudge out of his warm spot on the bed this morning because my feet were cold. he was not happy about that. but my feet were!

look i'm rambling.
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