(no subject)

Sep 15, 2005 08:21

12 hours left. and counting. so that means i'm going in tonight and two hours for the group therapy tomorrow and then a final 8 hour shift on saturday. that'll give me an extra 2 hours. yay! and i'll be finished with my hours over a week early! score!!! also means i can have social life again. *bouncebounce*

in other fantabulous news... not only do i get to spend a weekend with briel, _friendlyghost, and blackgarden... but now bloodshedbaby is joining us for our trek! *super bounce* and since i'll be done with my internship this weekend instead of next, my norcal girls can come down on friday instead of saturday. which means only 6 hours of driving instead of 10+! and another chance for B to turn us onto bizarre movies... ;)

i'm waiting rather impatiently for goodies to come in today. i swear that's the only reason to come to work on a thursday... but i don't think any goodies are coming in today. i seriously doubt Kris will bring any and so far i have seen hide nor hair of Eva. poop. i'm hungry too.

must pay bills this morning. that's first on the list, actually. and then i've got to clean up my file. and i brought my portfolio in with me, since i haven't really bothered to look at it at home. i though i might make more of an effort while here. and i need to email shirley and see if she has staff pics... who's out at the selma regional center?

what else do i have to share? i have a cold. and it ain't gonna get better til i have time to take a day and rest, ya know? so maybe next week sometime, when i'm done with the internship and have turned in everything in my class. course, first i need to find out if the rumors i heard last night are true. cuz if they are then i'll need to take a mental health day that day instead and won't mess with next week. *waits impatiently for details*

off to pay bills...

friends, cr

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