(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 08:33

mom and i were late to work today. massive traffic on the freeway. so we took city streets. and that was just interesting because of the insane amount of traffic...

i want to go home and go back to bed. i feel congested and sore. the pudge and i had a fabulous snuggle going on this morning and i want to get back to that. i nearly called in... but i didn't. damnit.

there are only 2 caseplans i can write but i can't write either of them without more information. and i'm not really in the mood to call people. so today is going to suck balls.

but i hear that there is armenian food. and i'm hungry. so i will go eat that. and find out how the car wars are going.

i'm gonna have my dead light fixed today. i kinda like the dark but i think i might get more done if there was light. so... let there be light. i'll miss the dark though.

watched the machinist the other day. good movie. took me half of it to get past christian being so damn skinny. i wanted to tie him down and feed him. it was nasty. but the movie was otherwise very good. strange though.

watched alone in the dark last night. had a definite indy feel. but with some decent effects. the thing that i disliked was that slater got to have a good hand to hand fight in the beginning of the movie and show off all these moves and why his character is different, etc. but when we got to the big stuff at the end... nothing. hid behind a crappy gun or ran. wtf? so i was disappointed with that. and also, stephan dorff was not used to his best advatages. :(

have troy. probably won't watch it tonight. i have to disks of QAF still that i need to return. yeah, yeah. i've had them forever. but i have whole periods where the idea of watching movies is not appealing. and others where thats all i want to do. i actually want to sit down and watch the entire Anne of Green Gables series...

but if i watch anything tonight it'll be QAF because then i can send them back and get water's edge. need a little filion fix.

so i was at the internship last night, expecting to sit in on a therapy but it turns out that the guys lost some privileges because they were busted with drugs and drug paraphenalia and some of them testes positive. uh oh. the guy that walked out on monday may have had his gf throwing stuff over the fence. argh. most of 'em were doign really well too! pisses me off. at him. at them. at the facility because group isn't a privilege, it's part of the program! take away tv and phone! take away the ping pong table. grrr.
i spent most of my time last night in the dorm office. has an observation window and i just watched the interactions between the men. strange. a lot of touchy feelyness. and so many of them are in or have been in gangs but they don't seem to have any animosity or violence... is this because of the situation? i'd like to talk to some of the guys one on one about this stuff. i won't, motherkus, don't worry. but it would be interesting.

okay... my back is burning! wtf? i'm gonna go get some some grub.


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