(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 08:28

my eyes are dry. with a side of burning sensation. and whats really sad is the bottle of visine i carry doesn't do a damn thing. crud.

its too quiet on the floor right now. i think Sharon and i are the only ones here. which sucks. i wanna come in late on mornings like this. i mean, i rolled over to unplug my cellphone this morning and there was a beautiful black beast demanding snuggles. i coulda stayed in bed with him! :( but no. i had to get up and come down to the office. where no one else is! and to top that off... had to drive my own damn car because i have field experience hours tonight. right after work! no time to even rest! *groan*

in other news... i finally calmed down enough to sleep last night. *blush* i'm a dork. its true. but i was just so proud of M! he did such a great job in the interview (as did you, Kate!). and i finally got to hear some of the new stuff. and i almost got my fav song... ;) and then of course... there were the shout outs. to blueirish, dee25x5, and me. SQUEEEEE! yes... i squeeeed. *palm/face* anyways... i finally calmed down enough to sleep... and have no idea what i dreamt but i'm sure it was hyper freak dreams. ;)

have a meeting at 10. for which i have no background knowledge. i requested some and then i was told they had nothing written down. um... what? no minutes? no notes at all? how is someone supposed to make sure they didn't miss something? grrrrrrr.

okay... i'm gonna eat my croissant now and figure out what needs to be done today.

ah, news

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