a) taken from
Tom proposed to Katie... WTF?
b) called the girls throwing the pleasure party yesterday, the ones that are friends with the boy (who will now be known as the asshole). wanted to see if i was still invited to the party because i was sure they'd heard his side of things and didn't want to just show up. cara said of course i was still invited. and thats basically it (we were both at work at the time). anyway... sometime last night she called (i got it when i went to bed as i was away from my phone all night) and left a message about how she was glad i'd called because they really wanted me there and they didn't have my number and couldn't ask the asshole for it. and that the asshole is now dating so skank (her word) he's known most of his life and that skank has hit on EVERYONE! and that they really don't like her. ROFLMFAO!!! also, she said that i was totally invited to the party but that she wasn't. i was very amused by this and cannot wait for the party. :)
c) i'm thinking about the weekend of July 23rd and 24th for my BBQ.
d) having lunch over in my mom's office today. some quasi-charity thing for one of our programs. they're making tri-tip. *drool* i could smell it when i dropped off mom this morning... cannot wait to eat it! definitely gonna have tri-tip at my BBQ.
hmmm... i guess that's it for now. probably have more stuff later after my coffee kicks in. :P