the sun is shining, the birds are (presumably) singing....

Nov 09, 2002 10:12

and yes, I'm gonna go to the game today rather then the wedding. Sorry, M. Given more time I probably woulda chosen the wedding but I'm in the mood for some football. (don't freak out people, I basically hate sports. I just like live football and soccer. And basically, that's just because I go with my brother and a good time is had by all)

Now, the point of today's entry-- didn't think I had one, did ya? Well, neener-neener, I do. :) (sorry, folks, just got up and I'm apparently in a whacky mood)

So, Thursday, when I had that huge headache, I must of taken some whonky pills cuz I had the weirdest dream. Which I am now going to share with you. Please anyone with any kind of dream knowledge, interpret this one for me. Me and M were walking through a forest. We came upon this group of people who were taking a tour. We joined them. The group was made up of all people I knew in elementary school. Except they hadn't aged, the were just taller, they still looked like how I remember them. then we could see the guide and it was F. Turns out it was a tour to find a Yeti. (This I am sure, has to do with the only picture I have seen of F has him wearing a shirt that said "yeti or not?") So the tour walks around the forest and we finally find a Yeti. So we follow it. It heads into these caves. And the tour follows it. I'm looking around and I know the caves. They're the initiative caves from Buffy. So, M and I are gonna go in this direction and see if we can find Spike or Riley or Adam or something, but then we hear music coming from the other direction. We head off towards the music and we find the Yeti. He's singing with Common Rotation! (like he's Nameen or something!)

That's all I remember. Pretty odd, huh? Okay, interpretations???

friends, cr

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