I'm periodically asked to repost this for reference sake, so consider this your random educational moment of the day! Feel free to pass it on to anyone you know anyone with breasts (and I'm betting you know at least one person).
Where?I learned this method on a now-defunct site called "Plus size bras", which used to be a beautifully fantastic
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And, I'm not sure if this was mentioned in the tutorial, but if you wear a well-fitting bra, your chest will actually look smaller. I was talking to a friend of a friend on a recent trip about the whole large-breasted bra issue and she had a hard time believing I was a DD. It's true!
Once you have your proper fit, you can go get yourself a nice padded push-up bra if you want uber cleavage... and not risk discomfort, modesty or pain. ;)
I have a fantastic cleavage bra that I love love love love. I also have an off-sized "34DDD" (it says that's the size, but the internal measurements put it more like a 32E/F... probably a factory reject) push-up from a mall store that I can 'wear' but not completely 'fit'. The band size is mostly alright but the cup size is about 1-2 cups too small - but I like the cleavage so much that I wear it for special occasions. Blasphemy! :-P I should probably ditch it for a proper fitting push up so I can get a nicer look though, I'm getting pretty annoyed with popping out of that one at dinner.
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