Article & Info: Scary Shampoo?

Dec 06, 2004 00:14

Because all the world needs is more reasons for new pregnant people to be scared. Common ingredient in shampoos, hand lotions and other personal care products pose risk to pregnant women.
My first reaction to this wasn't fear, or shock, or even intrigue. I rolled my eyes. I remember the pregnancy forum I hung out on when I was newly pregnant, and every second thread was, "OMG! I stood in front of a microwave", "OMG! I ate a burrito", "OMG! I touched my neighbor's dog", "O.M.F.G... I ate some two-day-old cake". If only women cared half that much about their babies' health after they were born, the world would be a much better place.

On the flip side, this is yet another good reason to go shampoo-free! Come and join your silky-haired, healthy, preservative-free sisters. For we have sexy hair and save money - what could be more appealing?

Recipe for Shampoo-Free:
Baking soda and water, only a little of each to make a paste. Sprinkle over your hair and rub in. Optional: Let it sit for a few moments.
Rinse with cool water.
Rinse again with 1/10 apple cider vinegar/water solution (or, mix to your liking).
Most people experience a de-tox period of 'oilyness' while your hair fights off the effects of years of shampooing. It isn't severe, nor does it last a long time. As you progress, you'll find your hair stays clean and healthy for longer periods of time and you need to wash less then you used to. The ACV rinse is used on occassion to moisturize, for the most part the baking soda should be fine. *Edit I should clarify. You do not need to use this every day. Most people find they can go for a long, long time, even as long as two weeks before needing a wash once their hair has detoxed. It makes a huge difference in how quickly your hair seems to pick up dirt and oil.
My hair has volume, it feels soft, clean, it *stays* clean, and best of all it's healthy and natural. Where I used to barley go 24 hours without feeling a little greasy, I could probably go a week now before my hair starts to show it.
~:) Babs
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