Thoughts on The Summer Before

Apr 10, 2010 11:28

I can't believe that The Summer Before was released over a week ago - and in stores a little longer than that! - and there have been no posts about people's thoughts about it! So, I'll get the ball rolling: What did you think of The Summer Before? What did you like? What did you dislike?

Personally, I loved the book. I loved that even though it's been a decade since the last BSC book came out, it still has that BSC tone to it. (Like Claudia wondering why the plural of her neighbours, the Goldmans, wasn't "Goldmen". Or explaining what "verbose" meant. Or Janine commenting on the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." "We love you KISTY." Heh! So many things that made me giggle!)

My favourite story was Mary Anne's, which surprised me. Knowing beforehand that it was about Mary Anne wanting to get independence, I didn't have high hopes, especially since we all know Richard doesn't let Mary Anne let her hair down (literally) until book #4. But I loved that it showed how Mary Anne got into baby-sitting, and how Richard let her grow up just that little bit.

My one little complaint is that it was too short. And I don't just mean that because I want more new BSC, lol. The book just felt a little disjointed at parts. Like, I felt that Claudia's relationship with Frankie was kind of rushed. (Although I did like that her and Janine liked the same boy.) And although I liked Stacey's chapters, they did seem a little out of place, because at least the other three appeared in each other's chapters. (Though I guess that was kind of the point.)

Long story short, I think The Summer Before is a great beginning to the BSC series. It has all the charm of the original series, and it's awesome because it's so new!!! :)

discussion: books, books: the summer before

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