Just have to say hi...

Jan 07, 2009 20:28

...because the BSC books were an absolute staple series of my childhood, alongside Goosebumps, Boxcar Children, & Sweet Valley Twins/Kids around the same time. I had loads and loads of these books, plus the Little Sisters & the movie and stuff. Guess by way of introducing myself to a bunch of fellow Stoneybrookites/BSC fanatics, I should do a bit of listing (one of my favorite things to do ever), of my favorite characters & books and such.

Oh, and I always was and still am a HUUUUGE fan of the cover artwork (same for the other series I mentioned.) XD As I can tell almost everyone here probably also is. I am infinitely thankful for that Dibbly-Fresh.com gallery; it's amazing. I was always told not to judge a book by its cover, but I dunno, those pictures definitely contributed to my enjoyment! ^-^

So...first off, my favorite Baby-Sitter, that's the obvious question. And an easy one. Definitely Mallory. I always identified with her the most. For one thing...we could seriously be twins. I have her same frizzy, curly red hair and glasses (and yes, I get frustrated with the hair sometimes too because it's difficult, but ultimately I love it and I think we're very lucky.) But I could've played her! >D Also, we're bookworms...and if you replace "horses" with "dogs" or "fishes," we share the same intensity of love for certain types of animals. Furthermore, I like her style (though that's true for a lot of them), most of her books, her siblings, her personality, etc. etc. And I think she's pretty (no, not because she looks like me, lol; I really just do.) Then again, they ALL are. NOT TO MENTION...Mallory Hates Boys (and Gym) tops my fave books list because at the time I first read it, I felt as if Ann M. Martin had read my mind and expressed the very thoughts in my head...oh, did I hate boys and gym back then...xD
Second place would be Dawn, the environmentalist. It's her 'hippieness' that I like and identify with the best, along with most other things about her.
Next, Claudia. Her artsy style is ecletic and awesome and unique. I enjoyed a lot of her books and actually, I like her name the most out of all of them (followed by Stacey/Anastasia.)
Fourth, Kristy. Dog person like me, with a take-charge attitude and strong organizational skills...plus, she's a tomboy and that is great. I sorta am as well, though I'm not a big sports nut like her.
Fifth, Abby. She was really cool...I liked Anna too, and of course, her big thick hair!! x3
Sixth, Mary Anne. The shy, quiet one, so I could relate, since I'm quiet as well.
Then Stacey. I dunno now quite why I'm putting them in this order, since I like all of them. Stace had many good books and a great style.
And Jessi. Sorry, somebody had to come last. But I like to swim and dance like her, I'm an animal lover, and plus she's Mal's BF so I have to think we'd get along rather well. :)

Hokay, now for my gigantic list of favorite BSC books, in order...

Mallory Hates Boys (and Gym)
Claudia Kishi, Live from WSTO!
Stacey and the Bad Girls
Mallory on Strike
Little Miss Stoneybrook...and Dawn
Dawn Saves the Planet
Kristy's Great Idea
Mallory Pike, #1 Fan
Mallory's Christmas Wish
Kristy's Worst Idea
Mary Anne in the Middle
Dawn and the School Spirit War
Maid Mary Anne
Farewell, Dawn
Stacey vs. the BSC
Dawn and the We ♥ Kids Club
Mary Anne and the Memory Garden
Dawn and the Big Sleepover
The Ghost at Dawn's House
Claudia's Big Party
Jessi Ramsey, Pet Sitter
Jessi's Gold Medal
Kristy Thomas, Dog Trainer
Kristy and the Snobs
Stacey and the Cheerleaders
Claudia and the First Thanksgiving
Stacey and the Math Whiz
Stacey's Secret Friend
Poor Mallory!
Stacey's Choice
Mary Anne and Camp BSC
Welcome to the BSC, Abby!
Abby's Lucky Thirteen
Dawn and the Older Boy
Kristy's Mystery Admirer
Mallory and the Mystery Diary
Stacey and the Mystery of Stoneybrook
Mary Anne Saves the Day
The Truth About Stacey
Get Well Soon, Mallory
Dawn and Whitney, Friends Forever
Don't Give Up, Mallory
Jessi's Horrible Prank
Stacey's Movie
The All-New Mallory Pike


BSC in the USA
New York, New York!
California Girls!
Aloha, Baby-Sitters!
Baby-Sitters' Summer Vacation
Baby-Sitters' European Vacation
Shadow Lake
Sea City, Here We Come!
The BSC Remembers
Island Adventure
Baby-Sitters on Board
Winter Vacation
Starring the BSC!
Here Come the Bridesmaids

Annnd the mysteries...they were pretty much all good. But if I had to pick some...

Dawn and the Disappearing Dogs
Stacey and the Mystery at the Mall
Kristy and the Mystery Train
Mallory and the Ghost Cat
Mary Anne and the Music Box Secret
Mary Anne and the Library Mystery
Claudia and the Recipe for Danger
Stacey and the Fashion Victim
Stacey and the Mystery at the Empty House
Abby and the Secret Society
Mary Anne and the Silent Witness
Mary Anne and the Haunted Bookstore
Kristy and the Haunted Mansion
Stacey and the Haunted Masquerade
Kristy and the Vampires
plus Baby-Sitters' Fright Night, Haunted House, and Christmas Chiller

And last but not least, the Little Sisters! What difficult decision-making!

Lemonade Stand
New Bike
Island Adventure
Pumpkin Patch
Doll Hospital
Pizza Party
School Picture
School Surprise
Little Witch
New Puppy
Magic Garden
Turkey Day
Kittycat Club
School Trip
Home Run
in Love
Half Birthday
Big Weekend
Snow Princess
Haunted House
Figure Eight
Big City Mystery
New Holiday
Big Job
Christmas Tree
Swim Meet
plus Super Specials Karen's Campout & Karen, Hannie, & Nancy: The 3 Musketeers

And thaaat is all. ;D

favorites, - member introductions

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