Hey everybody! The school year is just about to start at Stoneybrook High, so we wanted to see if any other members of the junior class would like to join the fun at Stoneybrook Live, a Role Play Game here on livejournal. We are a game that is focused solely on the older girls and their class, as well as Jessi and Mallory, and right now, we're really eager for Anna Stevenson, Mariah Schillaber, SDS students, and boys to come on along.
We've got a bunch of players, and we all play at our own pace: we're all just in it to have fun, and in the nine months that we've been here, it's been a total blast. It's like fanfic, just with lots of partners. If you are interested, please check out our mod page
HERE where you can find links to everything you need, and
THIS is the visual list of characters, along with bite-sized descriptions of everyone, from Corinne Baker to Alex Zacharias...and everyone in between.
If you're interested, let us know!
~The Players of Stoneybrook Live