Title/Prompt - Prologue/#63: Invite
Author -
leithalWord count - 363
Rating - totally G (but the rating for the whole story is going to be PG, mostly for language and some references to sex)
Summary - a facebook invite gets sent out to most members of the BSC...
Link to table -
HERE!Author's note - This is the first part (of how many, you ask? - who the hell knows!!, I answer) of a multi-part series I'm really excited about writing. In the unlikely event that any actual members of my high school graduating class are watching this community, I would like to 'fess right up that this thing here is mostly just a rewritten version of an actual facebook invite I received at about this time last year. Credit where credit is due, you know. Also, as per usual, Stoneybrook and most of the characters currently residing there are Not Mine, I'm just here to have a good time. :)
SHS Class of 2000 10-year Reunion
Mariah Shillaber invited you - Share - Public event
Time: 3 July at 11:30 - 4 July at 23:30
Location: Stoneybrook High School, Rusty's Bar & Grill, Fairgrounds, Harbour at the Community Centre
Created by: Dorianne Wallingford Foster
More info:
Scheduled Events:
There will be a BBQ lunch for families, teachers, and grads on the football field at SHS on July 3 from 11:30 - 3:00pm. The school will be open at this time so that you can wander through and revisit some happy memories. This will be a casual, family-friendly meal and afternoon of socializing - a great opportunity to see everyone and meet families, spouses, partners, etc. In the event of rain, we will have food and meet-and-greet in the SHS gymnasium.
Rusty's Bar & Grill has closed the bar area for exclusive use by our group from 8 - 10:30pm. Come mingle and have a drink; their kitchen will be open as well so you can order food. After 10:30pm, Rusty's will be open to the public, so be sure to come early so that we can have as much time as possible to visit before the long weekend crowds arrive.
While we don't have any specific activities planned for July 4, don't forget that the carnival will be in town. I'm sure we all have fond memories of Carnival Weekend in Stoneybrook, so why not meet up with some old friends, bring your partners and kids along, and spend a few hours at the carnival?
Finally, join us at the Harbour by the Community Centre for Stoneybrook's annual 4th of July Fireworks! We will have a large area roped off so that we can all sit together. This will be a great way to wrap up a weekend of celebration!
Event open to all grads of SHS 2000, and those who graduated early or late from the same class - anyone who started grade 9 at SHS in 1996.
Please feel free to invite all of our classmates to this event!!
Hope to see you all there!
+ Select guests to invite
16 attending
10 maybe attending
109 awaiting reply
8 not attending