Nov 25, 2007 11:23
Well haven't logged on for a very long time...didn't know I even still could. Well after 2 years of planning the wedding is over...think sometimes it is going to take 2 years to unwind from it....Overall it went very well...a couple of dramas...JP and Liz were acting up...Gerry called me and said he wasn't coming...I am trying to talk to him on the phone and Jen is banging on my window wondering when she could go into the was only 5 o'clock and I know I put 6 o'clock for cocktails but I didn't lose it. At the church I had both boys and mom to look after...for those of you who don't understand that is 3 pairs of pullups to change...toileted mom at the church and loaded the boys in their carseats, I could have choked Lana then but she didn't come close enough to is just that interesting!! The kids enjoyed the LIMO ride and felt least I accomplished that much...Bekah looked beautiful...Joel grabbed the wrong pants...he thought I didn't notice but I did!! My brother got drunk but I am glad it was him took the focus off of am sure Joel's family thought it would be me...Bekah's speech made me cry...she said I drove her nuts but she wouldn't be the woman today with out me...I was her mother, father and best friend...the boys were cute Asher flirted all night with the barmaids and Noah danced with me!