Birthday = ♥ for the first time

Oct 09, 2006 22:35

Shadowedge01: what do u wnat
Shadowedge01: want
Whoa Elena Here: i dunno
Whoa Elena Here: my brother got me what i wanted
Shadowedge01: i'll get u something
Shadowedge01: then im serious its going to be a sexathon
Whoa Elena Here: for real?
Shadowedge01: yup
Whoa Elena Here: hahahaha

made my bday

hung with liam and me and Girls! Girls! Girls!

went to a tavern

got boozeddddddddddddddddd

my new pennslyvanian bff came over sat

i apperently am evil to frat boys


and my new bff is comming overrrrrrrrrrrrrr

thursday will be fun due to dinner with some crazy boys!
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