F.T.Island in Manila

Mar 21, 2010 22:46

Finally posting about the FTI in Manila experience ^^; Better late than never, ne? But since there had been a lot of reports/posts about it already, I'll just make this as an LJ masterpost of some sort & just add other stuff I can still think of not yet mentioned XD

March 5, 2010 / Showtime Guesting:


Fancam & Pictures:

March 6, 2010 / Showcase:

I didn't actually take much pictures during the showcase since my camera was on video mode that night...come to think of it, the entire length of the showcase. So imagine the state of my arm afterwards XDDD

Setlist: (mostly for my reference too^^ included the album the song is from if you wanna look it up)
F.T.Island (The Refreshment)
Bing Bing Bing (Cross & Change)
Love Must Have Come (Double Date - One Date)
Love Sick (The Refreshment)
After Love (Colorful Sensibility)
Raining (Japanese release - Raining)
Marry Me (Cross & Change)
I Hope (Cross & Change)
Still / As Ever (You're Beautiful OST)
(Birthday surprise)
The cool vs The pretty / FT vs PRI (Colorful Sensibility)
Encore: Primadonna (The Refreshment)


Primadonna Fancam:

HQ Fancam:

My Fancams (complete, I think XD But not so great =P)

Not so great since we were seated on the far right.. My cousin & I really chose the right side... sorry my influence, I admit XD *jongki biased* And sorry for my screaming moments >.<" that would have to be on "Raining" cuz I really screamed (& jumped) when I first heard the notes of the intro. I really wanted them to sing a Japanese release but I kinda expected too they'd just perform their Korean releases so there goes the scream XD and what was more embarrassing?? It was just me who lost it in our area HAHA This is one of my favorites from the showcase ;) With the Jaejin solo, Jonghun on piano...ahhh ^^ of course, Hongki's voice was great even though he was sick & kept on coughing :( I was really touched too when I noticed he was teary-eyed during the part he & Jonghun were given birthday cakes & we sang 'Saengil Chukhahamnida' Jonghun was super shy on the on the other hand.

Too many Jongki moments made me soooo happy too XDDD and apparently, from the other side, there was SeungJin ^_^ (which you can read more from the repos below ^^) if Minhwan hadn't come down from the drums during the MC, I wouldn't have seen him much, zannen.. and he was so awesome playing :) and IMHO Seunghyun smiles most to the fans ^^ I really appreciate that of him, esp during Showtime when not everyone in the audience (especially in his side then) were FTI fans.

Fanreports: (just a few I collected from the comm/my dear f-list ^^;)
http://zaidorazhou.livejournal.com/351153.html (f-locked)

And did anyone saw Hongki roam the venue before the showcase started? Cuz apparently he did! When the line was still long outside with the fans getting in, a friend told me she and her tita (aunt) got in early and they saw Hongki leaning near the door just watching people getting in. When Hongki noticed that my friend's tita finally recognized him, he quickly ran away XD

Some pics after the showcase...including the Pentastick! *remembers the lucky fangirls whom Hongki borrowed Pentasticks from during Primadonna*

And with my lack of a planner this year which I badly need for all the meetings & deadlines at work, I also bought the F.T.Island diary ^^

It's really a planner you can use with pages of pictures of the boys inserted in between the months. Their birthdays & anniversary is also marked (just like the JE calendars hihi...just had to mention that!).

All in all, they really sound good live, they're really nice & funny too so I really had a great time. I wish to see them again in a full concert :)

youtube, korby, concert, f.t.island

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